Easter celebrations // Påskfirande
Ugnsbakad torsk med äggsås // Oven baked cod with creamy egg sauce
Taco tubs with salmon // Tacobåtar med lax
Good ole spag' bol' // Gammal hederlig spaghetti och köttfärssås
Food allergies with its obstacles
The pea soup that wasn't as edible as it looks
Easy peasy lemon squeezy - salmon and salad
Prep. // Föreberedelser
Veggie stirfry // Vegetarisk nudelwok
Potato and leek soup // Potatis -och purjolökssoppa
Klockan är 09.45 och jag hade ingenting att göra. Matlagning var naturligtvis svaret. Potatis -och purjolökssoppa räddar de där råvarorna som är på väg ut men fortfarande är användabara. Receptet på svenska finner du här!
It's 9.45 AM and I didn't have anything to do. Cooking was the answer if course. Potato and leek soup is the savior when these ingredients are on their way out. It's so tasty!
5-6 potatoes
1 leek
1 stock cube
3,5 dl cream
6 dl water
Salt, white pepper
Bacon for garnish
How to:
Peel off the out layer of the leek, slit it to the center and wash thouroughly under the tap.
Slice thinly.
Peel the potatoes and slice them thinly too.
Put both in a saucepan with the 6 dl of water and stock cube, bring to a boil.
When the stock cube has disolved, add the cream and boil for another 6 minutes.
Use any kind of mixer to mix the soup smooth.
Pour back into the saucepan and re-heat on the lowest heat.
Season with salt and white pepper - taste as you go!
Fry bacon to a crisp and serve with the soup.
Kanelbullar (mot alla odds) // Swedish cinnamon buns (against all odds)
Cinnamon buns:
Crispy chicken legs // Krispiga kycklinglår
HI! I am over the moon right now. Last time I tried cooking chicken legs it was a disaster. Today it was a success. I believe in making mistakes in order to succeed next time. This is so easy (it seems to be a trendy word in this blog, haha) and who wants to say no to non-complicated food?
Cornbread 2.0 // Majsbröd 2.0
Whadup! What are these you say? Cornbread cupcakes. Or something in that style.
Tip no.1: Don't put them in these cupcake moulds as they just stick to the paper. Butter and bread a baking tray instead.
Tip no.1: Make many, they are so(oooooo) tasty!
I've made cornbread before but this recipe isn't as sweet. I've done a bit of reading about and in most recipes there's been an ingredient we don't actually have in the shop here in Sweden - buttermilk (kärnmjölk). It's what is left besides the butter when you've made butter out of cream. It's slightly thicker than milk and quite sour. I used a runny youghurt and added lemon which worked fine.
16 oz/2 cups/500ml cornflour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
2 eggs
12oz/ 1 1/2 cups/350ml "buttermilk" = 300ml/8 oz/ 1 cup runny youghurt (filmjölk), 50ml/ 4oz/ 1/2 cup water, 1 tbsp lemon juice
Butter and breadcrumbs OR bacon fat to line the baking tray
How to:
Turn your oven to 425°F/220°C.
Make your buttermilk and let stand for 5 minutes.
Stir together cornflour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl.
Add eggs, oil and "buttermilk" and mix until smooth.
Butter a baking tray and line with breadcrumbs OR melt bacon fat in the tray and make sure it covers the inside.
Pour in the mixture and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
If the colour goes too dark towards the end, cover with foil.
Cut into pieces and eat as a sandwich or with a nice bowl of hot chili con carne!
Vad händer yao? Vad är det här för något? Majsbrödsmuffins. Eller något i den stilen.
Tips nr 1: Använd inte muffinsformar då brödet bara fastnar i pappret. Smöra och bröa en form istället.
Tips nr 2: Gör många, de är så(ååååå) goda!
500ml majsmjöl
1 msk bakpulver
1 tsk bikarbonat
1 tsk salt
2 msk rapsolja
2 ägg
350ml "kärnmjölk" = 300ml filmjölk, 50ml vatten, 1 msk citronsaft
Smör och brödsmulor ELLER baconfett att smörja bakformen med
How to:
Sätt ugnen på 220°C.
Blanda ihop kärnmjölken och låt stå i 5 minuter.
Rör ihop majsmjöl, bakpulver, bikarbonat och salt i en bunke.
Knäck i äggen och häll över olja och "kärnmjölken" och blanda ihop till en slät smet.
Smöra och bröa ELLER smörj en bakform med baconfett.
Häll i smeten och baka i gunen i 20-25 minuter.
Täck över med folie om brödet blir för mörkt mot slutet.
Skär i bitar och ät som smörgås eller till en god soppa eller stark chili con carne!
Asparagus soup // Sparrissoppa
It doesn't have to look like much to taste amazing
The recipe for this asparagus soup will be up tomorrow!