Tapas 1.0 - Cheese-filled dates wrapped in bacon // Ostfyllda baconlindade dadlar

Good evening! Since the first time I ate dates wrapped in bacon at a restaurant I've loved the idea. The salty bacon against the sweet and sticky dates filled with cheese - yum!
Ingredients 2 people:
8 dates
6-8 rashes of bacon - I've used both pork bacon and turkey bacon
Cheese to fill the dates with - ricotta, mozzarella, gorgonzola, mouldy blue cheese, etc
Crema de balsamico to drizzle over them
How to:
Put your oven on 225°C.
Slit the dates with a knife and remove the stone.
Fill with cheese.
Wrap bacon around - use a toothpick if the bacon won't stay wrapped around.
Put them on a baking tray and drizzle crema de balsamico over them.
Cook in the oven quite high up until they have good colour.
Eat hot!
Godkväll! Ända sedan jag testade baconlindade dadlar på restaurang för första gången har jag älskat idén. Det salta baconet mot den söta, kladdiga, ostfyllda dadeln - mums!
Ingredienser 2 personer:
8 dadlar
6-8 skivor bacon - jag använde kalkonbacon och vanlig bacon på griskött
Ost att fylla med - ricotta, mozzarella, gorgonzola, mögelost
Crema de balamico att smaksätta med
Sätt ugnen på 225°C.
Skär ett snitt i dadlarna och ta ur kärnan.
Fyll med ost.
Linda i bacon - använd en tandpetare för att fästa med om baconen inte vill sitta fast.
Lägg dem på en ugnsform och ringla balsamicon över dadlarna.
Laga i ugnen på gansak hög värme tills de har fått fin färg.
Ät direkt!
Valentines day tapas // Alla hjärtans dag tapas

So, I've never been the one to celebrate this day. But, I had such a lovely evening yesterday. My boyfriend Daniel and I made some AMAZING tapas and drank beer. We had a cup of coffee before we went and played pool for an hour (I didn't win but actually put up a good fight.. for 4 rounds, haha). The recipes and descriptions will be up tomorrow as I'm working all day every day this weekend. Just enjoying our favourite TV-shows tonight with cups of tea. Night!
Tapas with amazing company

I can go on and on forever about how I met two amazing girls in Australia when my friend and I were there last year. We still keep in touch and this afternoon Victoria came from out of town to eat, drink and chat for a good few hours and stay over. I decided to make tapas because it's a good combination with conversation and a nice glass of wine. It's simple and easy to put together quickly.
I bought a few different cheeses - one was a Camembert from the International Food Market.
The ham and the salami are also purchases from the market and are currently hanging from my curtain pole by the window - who needs curtains?
Mozzarella, tomato and olives are all good contributions to a tapas meal.
I made a nice guacamole with lots less creme fraiché and extra avocado, absolutely delicious!
I also made a hummus for the first time, Victoria liked it but I'm not sure what I think. I need to give it a few more tries before you get the recipe.
I bought a nice loaf of bread and crackers too!
The one thing that I was extra happy about was the filled filo dough experiment that was a big success! Ready for it?
Ingredients (for the filled filo dough packages; approx. 8 packages):
8 squares of filo dough -
(I've never made my own so I bought a ready made one from the shop! Keep in mind that it dries very quickly when in use so only take out one sheet at a time and keep the rest covered under a towel or in the packet).
2 fillets of chicken
1 small red onion
2 dl creme fraiché
1/2 red chili or after your own liking.
Olive oil for baking
How to:
Cut your chicken into small pieces and pre-fry in oil, season with salt and black pepper.
Heat your oven up to 200°C.
Cover your baking tray in baking paper.
When your chicken is cooked through let it cool down.
Chop your onion and chili finely and mix together with your creme fraiché.
Mix in your chicken.
Take out a sheet of filo dough and put 2 spoons of your chicken mixture on one side,
fold the dough over the mixture and into small packages.
Paint the top of the packages in olive oil.
Bake in the oven until golden brown and serve straight away.
Serve with a glass of wine or a beer any day of the week and enjoy!