Kanelbullar (mot alla odds) // Swedish cinnamon buns (against all odds)
Mot-alla-odds bullar. Ja, det är precis vad dessa är. Det är första gången jag bakat kanelbullar i mitt liv och det visade sig att det lättaste var att baka dem, inte att använda redskapen man behöver till. Först fick jag inte igång min assistent så jag fick knåda hela degen för hand (helt ovetandes hur den skulle se ut). När den började jäsa blev jag glad. När jag sedan ställde in första plåten i ugnen och skulle ta ut dem efter en sisådär 8 minuter, då hade ugnen lagt av. Helt. Poff. Sprang ner till Frälsningsarmén några hus bort och fick låna deras ugn - SNÄLLA MÄNNISKOR! När jag tog första tuggan kunde jag sluta ögonen och le över all mödan. Det var det värt.
Detta underbara recept har jag lånat från Jenny och det är hos henne ni får kika in för instruktionerna på svenska.
Se så, iväg och baka med er nu!
Swedish cinnamon buns, or "kanelbullar" as we call them in Sweden, against all odds. Yes, that's exactly what these are. This is the first time I've ever made these and it turned out that the actual baking was the easiest, not using my kitchen equipment. When I tried to start my kneeding machine, it refused, so I had to kneed by hand not knowing at all what the dough was supposed to look or feel like. When it started to rise I was very happy. When I put the first round of 'bullar' in the oven and was going to take them out 8 minutes later, my oven had died. Poff! Ran down to the Salvation Army and asked to borrow their oven, which they let me - WONDERFUL PEOPLE! When I took the first bite I smiled about the effort being totally worth it.
I've borrowed this amazing recipe from Jenny and for better pictures of the different steps, have a peek on her blog. Now, go and bake!
Cinnamon buns:
Cinnamon buns:
150g butter - room temperatured!
5 dl milk
50g fresh yeast
1 dl sugar
3 tsp ground cardamom
1 tsp salt
12-14 dl all purpose flour
0,5-1 dl ground cinnamon
3 tblsp sugar
60-50g butter - room temperatured!
1 egg
Pearl sugar
How to:
Prepare all of your ingredients in the right measurements.
Crumble the yeast in your mixing bowl.
Warm your milk until 37°C (tepid / luke warm) and pour a little bit of it over the yeast.
Stir the milk until the yeast has disolved.
Add the rest of the milk, sugar, salt and cardamom.
Dice your butter and turn into the milk mixture as well.
Start your machine and add the flour, a bit at a time.
NOTE: Sometimes you might need to use 12 dl and sometimes up to 14 dl - the dough should look elastic but not too sticky after 10-15 minutes of machine kneeding. If you are kneeding by hand then you should be working the dough for 15-20 minutes (great arm muscles)!
Cover the bowl with cling film (a towl might make the dough dry) and let the dough rise to double size in a warm place; mine took approximately 40 minutes.
Dust your baking surface with flour and turn your dough onto it.
Kneed any air bubbles out of it and then divide into two pieces.
Use a rolling pin to turn the dough into a flat rectangle.
Use a spatula to cover the rectangle with butter.
Cover it with cinnamon and sprinkle a bit of sugar over it too.
For 'bullar' in paper moulds:
Roll the rectangle into a sausage, starting at one of the short ends.
Cut 1,5cm thick pieces and place flat in the moulds.
Stand them on a baking tray and cover with cling film and let rise again to double size.
For twisted 'bullar':
When you have covered the rectangle with butter, sugar and cinnamon, fold it in half lengthways.
Use the rolling pin to flatten it out a bit.
Cut out long pieces of the dough - approximately 2,5 cm wide.
"Trouser" them by slicing the long pieces up the middle almost all the way, leaving a joint bit á 2 cm at the top.
The easiest way to twist them is to hold the joint bit at the top and then throw one leg around the other.
Twist into a shape of your liking and join the ends underneath.
Place on a baking tray covered with a baking sheet.
Cover the tray with cling film and let rise again to double size.
Let your oven reach 250°C / 482°F.
Before placing the trays of 'bullar' in the oven, paint them with whisked egg and sprinkle a load of pearl sugar on them.
Bake them for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown.
EAT WHILST HOT with a glass of ice cold milk.
Postat av: Felicia Andreasson
sv: Det är helt underbart i scotland verkligen! :D ska göra ett inlägg om lite saker jag tycker vart bäst om scotland m.m. så den kan du ju kolla sedan :)
om du är intresserad av buss tur så rekomenderar jag verkligen denna sida http://www.rabbies.com/ det var dom vi åkte med och då åker man i mindre bussar och får tillgång att se bättre m.m. :D
Postat av: Sandra