Omelette with a side salad

A classic omelette is nice and quick to make after a hard training session at the gym. I never ever eat it with anything on the side but for some reason I was craving a salad. I hope I don't ever forget how nice raw carrots are! My friend Nana always mixes things that I don't think go together, but I think I need to open my eyes to more combinations and take a leaf out of her book. A cup of tea is now in order and a nap on the sofa before work tonight!
När man får dille på omelett

Det händer (ganska ofta) att jag fastnar i ett mönster när det gäller viss mat. För några månader sedan åt jag ägg och kaviar så ofta jag kunde. Nu smakar omelett fruktansvärt bra som första mål för dagen. Det är roligt att variera och går fort att tillaga.
2 ägg
0,5 dl mjölk
1 liten tomat
1 liten rödlök
2-3 champinjoner
1-2 skivor skinka
Salt, svartpeppar
Olja till stekning.
Någon stark ost till garnering.
How to:
Hacka löken fint och tärna tomaten och champinjonerna.
Stek alltsamma i lite olja tills de fått lite färg.
Salta och peppra.
Vispa äggen i en skål, häll i mjölken och vispa upp ytterliggare.
Häll över äggblandningen i stekpannan.
Sänk värmen och riv över lite ost mot slutet när ytan blivit fast.
Servera direkt!
Serrano ham omelette

I was going to write 'good morning' but it's more like lunch now. That's what happens when you work evenings. So, good lunch to you! I had a bit of a fancy breakfast this morning to be honest and my body needs it as it feels like I'm coming down with something. I had some bits and bobs that just became an awesome combination; that's one of the best things about an omelette, you can vary it in so many ways!
2 eggs
0,5 dl milk
A good pinch of salt
A good pinch of freshly ground pepper
3 slices serrano ham
1 tomato
1 small red onion
A strong cheese to grate on top, I used parmesan.
How to:
Chop your onion finely and your ham roughly and fry together in a drop of oil on medium heat.
Grind some pepper over the lot.
Dice your tomatoes and add to the pan.
Beat your eggs until frothy and add your milk, salt and a bit more pepper.
Whisk again.
When your onions are soft and your ham is getting crispy, add your egg mixture.
Let the omelette fry until golden underneath then either turn down heat so it cooks through, or put under the grill in your oven.
When almost done, grate your cheese on top and then serve immediatley when melted.
A perfect sturdy breakfast.
Scrambled eggs on toast