Fried grated spuds

The potato is my favourite carb, hands down. As I can't even eat normal bread or pasta it makes it even easier for me to choose spuds with my food. To quote Samwise Gamgi from Lord of the Rings: "Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.". And that's not even the limit. A life without potatoes is to me, a boring life. Sorry, I know lots of you can manage without but I just love them. It's like a life without sweets or alcohol to others.
These are Swedish for all I know. We call them "rårakor" or "rösti" and serve them with chopped red onion and caviar. I prefer my version.
2 potatoes
Salt and black pepper
Butter or coconut oil to fry in
A few spoons of cottage cheese
4 cm leek
2 slice of paprika
2 slices of ham
2 asparagus stalks
How to:
Grate your potato and sqeeze out all of the liquid.
Season with salt and pepper.
Heat a pan on medium heat and let the cooking fat melt.
Add the potato - either several small "cakes" or two big ones like omelettes.
Flatten the potato out in the pan but make sure it sticks together.
When golden, turn and fry on the other side until done.
For the cottage cheese mixture;
snap off the asparagus stalks where they bend off naturally. Cut into pieces.
Cut the paprika, leek and ham into the size of your liking.
Mix all the ingredients with cottage cheese.
Serve your fried grated potato with a big spoonful of cottage cheese mixture.
Baked spuds // Bakpotatis

Good morning babes! Am just off to work and thought I'd bring some inspiration to the table for a tasty meal this fine Saturday! My boyfriend and I ate baked spuds (potatoes) this Thursday and tried out some different sides to go with it. Usually I'm a cottage cheese/baked beans/coleslaw kind of girl when it comes to baked potatoes, but this time we went fresher.
2 baked potatoes
1/2 red onion
1 avocado
100g bacon
1 portobello mushroom
A few slices of ham
1 small yellow onion
5 asparagus stalks
Butter and a tasty cheese
Sea salt
How to:
I parboiled the potatoes for 10 minutes and then baked them in foil for about 45 minutes on 225°C.
You could also brush them with oil and bake them without the foil for crispy skin.
Slice the yellow onion and cut your mushroom into pieces and fry in butter on medium high heat.
Snap off the bottoms of the asparagus and then cut into 1cm pieces and fry until golden.
Cut the bacon into pieces and fry intil crispy.
Cut the potato open, let butter melt on it and put some cheese on there too.
Then top with everything else.
Godmorgon babes! Ska strax åka och jobba och tänkte att jag kunde inspirera er lite denna lördag. Pojkvännen och jag åt bakpotatis i torsdags och vi testade lite andra tillbehör. Vanligtvis är jag en keso/vita bönor/coleslaw tjej när det gäller bakpotatis, men den här gången blev det lite fräschare!
2 bakpotatisar
1/2 rödlök
1 avocado
100g bacon
1 portobellosvamp
Några skivor skinka
1 liten gullök
5 sparrisar
Smör och smarrig ost
How to:
Jag förkokade potatisen i 10 minuter i saltat vatten och bakade dem sedan i folie i ca 45 minuter på 225°C.
Du kan även pensla dem i olja och tillaga dem utan folie för krispig yta.
Skiva gullöken och skär svampen i bitar och stek i smör på medelhög värme.
Bryt av sparrisen där den går av naturligt och skär sedan de bra bitarna i 1cm bitar. Stek i smör tills de fått fin yta.
Skär baconet i bitar och stek krispiga.
Öppna upp potatisen, låt smör och ost smälta på.
Toppa med allt gott!
Pyttipanna // Potato-kassler-and-onion shebang

Hej vänner! Hur mår ni? Har ni lite vårsol där ni bor? Här i Borås har solstrålarna varit framme hela dagen och trots den isande vinden har nog alla haft lite vårkänslor. Har storhandlat och har massor med kul jag vill bjuda er på i veckan. Något jag aldrig tackar nej till är hemlagad pyttipanna, det är ju så himla gott! Hade lite överbliven kokt potatis från gårdagens kalops som passade utmärkt till detta.
6 kokta potatisar
~400-500g kassler
1-2 stora lökar
Salt, vitpeppar
Olja och smör att steka i
How to:
Tärna potatisen och stek gyllenbrun i en blandning av smör och olja.
Salta lite smått och krydda med vitpeppar.
Hacka löken grovt och tärna kasslern under tiden.
Lägg den stekta potatisen åt sidan medan du bryner kasslern och löken tillsammans.
När köttet fått den färg du önskar kan du lägga i potatisen igen.
Stek upp alltsammans och krydda med lite mer vitpeppar - smaka av!
Servera med stekt ägg och rödbetor!
Hi friends! How are you? Have you had any sunshine where you live? Here in Borås where I live, the sun's been out all day. I believe everyone's had spring feelings despite the icy wind. I did a massive food shop earlier and I've got loads of fun stuff I want to show you this week. Something I never say no to is what we call "pyttipanna" in Swedish - a potato-kassler-and-leek shebang. I had some leftover boiled potatoes from yesterday's beef stew that were perfect for this!
6 boiled potatoes
~400-500g kassler
1-2 big yellow onions
Salt, white pepper
Oil and butter to fry in
How to:
Dice your potatoes and fry golden brown in a mixture of oil and butter.
Add a pinch of salt and some white pepper.
Meanwhile, chop your onion and dice your kassler.
Put your fried potatoes aside whilst you fry your kassler and onion.
When your meat is the colour you wish, add the potatoes again.
Taste and add more white pepper if you like!
Serve with fried egg and beetroots.
Salmon and mashed potato provencal

Wow and yes. They were the words that came out of my mouth when I'd finished this meal. I was going to have pasta with my salmon but my gut said mashed potato so I just had to obey. I spiced it up a bit by mixing in some herbs, parmesan and creme fraiché with my mash - yummmm! And, I finally got to eat some steamed broccoli. One of my absolute favourite veggies.
Ingredients (2 portions):
7 potatoes
1dl creme fraiché
Thyme, basil, oregano, herb salt
35g butter
0,25dl parmesan or any other tasty cheese
2 fillets of salmon
Lemon pepper and salt
A few squeezes of lemon
A knob of butter and oil to fry in
Broccoli and any other vegetables or salad you might want with it.
How to:
Peel and boil your potatoes until soft.
Mash with the creme fraiche and butter.
Add a few shakes of your dried herbs and taste, add more if needed.
When you're potatoes are done, use the same heated ring for your pan to fry your salmon in.
Add a good knob of butter and a lug or two fo oil.
Add your salmon and season with lemon pepper, salt and squeeze some lemon over.
Fry for approximately 3-4 minutes and turn over.
Season again.
Turn over again after another 3-4 minutes and turn off the heat.
Serve immediatley with your mash and greens.
Potato gratin

What would life be without potatoes? I did live without it for 60 days and it was boring. I am such a sucker for potatoes in all forms. Tonight I accomplished making my very first French style potato gratin and it was so easy. All you need is a few hours, and it's a perfect thing to cook at the same time as you're pottering round your home.
Ingredients (~4 port.):
8 large potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
4dl cream
Salt, white peppar and tarragon
Butter to butter your dish
Cheese to go on top - preferably a strong one. I used parmesan.
How to:
Put your oven on 175°C.
Butter your dish.
Crush your garlic into your cream.
Add a large pinch of salt and add white pepper and tarragon after your own liking.
Peel your potatoes and slice them into ~3mm thick slices.
Put your slices flat into the dish and pour some of your cream mixture inbetween the layers as you go.
Stand the whole shebang in the middle of your oven for atleast 90 minutes.
Keep check of the colour towards the end.
When you have approximately 10 minutes to go, grate some cheese on top.
I ate mine with fried chicken and salad.
New potatoes in dill fried in butter

Yesterday the girls and I had our new potatoe premier for this summer. There were some leftovers and as the Chinese side of me is usually awake in the morning, I wanted a cooked breakfast. Fried potatoes in butter with two eggs and my favourite HP sauce. We didn't have any bacon though and I wasn't feeling the beans this morning. This did well! Now: I'm off to lie on Nana's sun deck.