Gluten-free pancakes // Glutenfria pannkakor

Good morning peeps! Summer has arrived in the town of Borås, Sweden, where I live. We've had a few days of lovely sun but I am admittidley not expecting any more due to Borås being one of the rainiest cities in the country. This morning I had a craving for pancakes and due to my new lifestyle á la gluten-free I've not looked for a recipe until now. SO easy and tastes really good. Not the same as with flour, but still good. A big plus to no tummy aches.
2 dl milk
1 dl Maizena flour
2 eggs
A pinch of salt
I used coconut fat to fry them in, but butter is probably you primary option.
Lemon and sugar, blueberries, raspberries, jam and cream or whatever you like to top your pancakes with.
How to:
Mix all the ingredients together.
Melt a bit of cooking fat in a pan on medium heat.
Pour in the mixture so it covers the bottom of the frying pan, but no more - we want thin pancakes!
These pancakes fry so quickly so be sure to keep your eye on them and turn them over when they're golden.
Serve straight away!
Godmorgon gott folk! Sommaren är här i Borås stad. Vi har haft några riktigt fina dagar med massor av sol, men i och med att Borås är en av Sveries regnigaste städer förväntar jag mig inte mycket mer än såhär, haha.
I morse hade jag fruktansvärda pannkakscravings och i och med min nya glutenfria livsstil har jag inte letat upp något recept förrän nu. SÅ enkelt och gott. Inte samma som med mjöl, men fortfarande gott. Ett stort plus till noll sekunder av magont!
2 dl mjölk
1 dl Maizenamjöl - det står Majsstärkelse på pakeket.
2 ägg
1 nypa salt
Jag stekte dessa godingar i kokosfett men smör är väl det naturliga valet.
Citron och socker, bär av olika slag, eller sylt och grädde till din topping.
How to:
Blanda ihop alla ingredienser.
Smält matfettet i en stekpanna på medelhög värme.
Häll i smeten så att den täcker stekytan men inte mer, vi vill ha tunna pannkakor!
Dessa steks fort så håll ett öga på när de blir gyllenbruna och vänd på dem.
Servera direkt!
Banana pancakes

Hello ladies and sirs! The pancakes above served a perfect after work and pre-training meal. Sometimes, or most of the time in my sake, regular pancakes made using flour makes me really bloated. These are made without using any flour at all! Ready for simplicity in a recipe?
1 banana
1-2 eggs (depending on size)
Butter to fry in
+ any toppings to go with it - I ate mine with raspberries!
How to:
Mash or mix your banana clump free.
Mix together with your eggs.
Fry 1,5-2 spoonfulls in butter on medium heat until the surface starts getting air bubbles.
Turn and fry until just golden.
Serve straight away!
I've heard it's nice to mix in cottage cheese and many people add protein powder in their mixture to make it even more filling!
- / + = American pancakes

I knew I'd wake up with the same toothache I went to bed with so I'd made up my mind to cook a cracking breakfast. I made myself a mug of black coffee and whipped together these beauties. I barely need to chew them because they're so fluffy!
5dl flour (atleast half should be plain flour)
2-4 tsp baking powder depending on the altitude where you're cooking; I used 2.
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp sugar - I used half ordinary sugar and half vanilla sugar
2 eggs
3dl milk
4 tbsp butter
How to:
Mix your dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
Melt your butter.
Whisk your eggs in a seperate bowl.
Add your milk.
Add your melted butter and mix the all the wet ingredients together.
Pour into your flour mixture and use a fork to mix together.
Heat a pan on medium heat and fry your pancakes in butter.
About 1/2dl of mixture or the size of your liking.
When bubbles appear on the surface, turn them and fry till golden.
Siv vanilla sugar over your pancakes and serve with syrup, berries, ice cream, or whatever you prefer.