Tea cakes // Tekakor

Hej mina fina, fina läsare. Jag ber om ursäkt för denna väldiga bloggtorka men jag har inte alls varit motiverad. Ingen mat har känts rolig, jobbet har varit tidsmässigt krävande och all mat som lagats har ätits upp på direkten utan att bli fotad. Inatt när jag vände på dygnet (för kommande nattskift) bakade jag filmjölksbröd men dagens sysselsättning har bestått av brödbakning med jäsning - tekakor! Receptet har jag lånat från goa Jenny, klicka här för att komma till hennes underbara blogg!
50g jäst
200g smör - rumstemprerat!
4 msk honung
1 tsk salt
5 dl mjölk
2 äggulor
12-14 dl vetemjöl - jag använde mig av vetemjöl special
How to:
Smula jästen i en bunke.
Separera gulorna från vitorna i en separat skål.
Värm mjölken till 37°C/fingervarmt med honungen.
Häll hälften över jästen och rör runt tills allt löst upp sig. Häll i resten av mjölken.
Lägg i saltet och äggulorna och rör runt.
Lägg i det rumstemprerade smöret i bitar.
Häll i mjölet i omgångar och jobba in det i degen.
Om du använder en assistent, låt degen knådas i 15 minuter. Om du knådar för hand, häng i i ca 20 minuter.
Täck för bunken med plastfolie och låt jäsa på en varm plats i 50 minuter.
Sätt ugnen på 225°C.
När degen jäst färdigt knådar du den på ett lätt mjölat bord.
Klä bakplåtar med bakplåtspapper.
Dela degen i 16-20 bitar. Rulla till bollar och platta ut på plåtarna.
Nagga degen innan du täcker över dem för jäsning i 30 minuter till.
Baka i 7-8 minuter mitt i ugnen.
Ät sedan med smör och ost!
Hi, my lovely readers. I'm sorry for this blog draught but I have been completely unmotivated. No food has been fun, work has been time consuming and everything that has been cooked has been eaten without being photographed. Last night I turned my day around and baked my youghurt bread but today's occupation has been bread baking with kneeding. I've made tea cakes! The recipe is borrowed from lovely Jenny's blog, click here to visit!
50g yeast
200g butter - room temperature!
4 tblsp honey
1 tsp salt
5 dl milk
2 egg yolks
12-14 dl flour
How to:
Crumble your yeast into a bowl.
Separate your yolks from your whites in a bowl.
Heat the milk until tepid/luke warm with the honey.
Pour half over the yeast until it disolves and then add the rest.
Add the salt and yolks and stir.
Add the butter.
Pour in the flour a bit at a time and work it into a dough.
If your using a machine, let the dough kneed for 15 minutes. If you are kneeding by hand, hang in there for 20 mintues.
Cover the bowl with cling film and let rise for 50 minutes in a warm place.
Put your oven on 225°C.
When the dough has finished rising, kneed it on a floured work surface.
Cover your baking trays with a baking sheet.
Divide your dough into 16-20 pieces, roll into balls and flatten on the baking trays.
Prick the dough with a fork before you cover it with cling film again and let rise for another 30 minutes.
Bake for 7-8 minutes.
Eat with a spread of butter and cheese.

Cornbread 2.0 // Majsbröd 2.0

Whadup! What are these you say? Cornbread cupcakes. Or something in that style.

Tip no.1: Don't put them in these cupcake moulds as they just stick to the paper. Butter and bread a baking tray instead.
Tip no.1: Make many, they are so(oooooo) tasty!

I've made cornbread before but this recipe isn't as sweet. I've done a bit of reading about and in most recipes there's been an ingredient we don't actually have in the shop here in Sweden - buttermilk (kärnmjölk). It's what is left besides the butter when you've made butter out of cream. It's slightly thicker than milk and quite sour. I used a runny youghurt and added lemon which worked fine. 


16 oz/2 cups/500ml cornflour
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
2 eggs
12oz/ 1 1/2 cups/350ml "buttermilk" = 300ml/8 oz/ 1 cup runny youghurt (filmjölk), 50ml/ 4oz/ 1/2 cup water, 1 tbsp lemon juice

Butter and breadcrumbs OR bacon fat to line the baking tray

How to:
Turn your oven to 425°F/220°C.
Make your buttermilk and let stand for 5 minutes.
Stir together cornflour, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl.
Add eggs, oil and "buttermilk" and mix until smooth.
Butter a baking tray and line with breadcrumbs OR melt bacon fat in the tray and make sure it covers the inside.
Pour in the mixture and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
If the colour goes too dark towards the end, cover with foil.

Cut into pieces and eat as a sandwich or with a nice bowl of hot chili con carne!



Vad händer yao? Vad är det här för något? Majsbrödsmuffins. Eller något i den stilen.

Tips nr 1: Använd inte muffinsformar då brödet bara fastnar i pappret. Smöra och bröa en form istället.
Tips nr 2: Gör många, de är så(ååååå) goda!
Jag har gjort majsbröd innan men med det här receptet blir brödet inte så sött. Jag har läst på lite och i de flesta recepten jag hittat ska man använda en ingrediens som inte säljs i svenska affärer - kärnmjölk (buttermilk). Det är vad som blir kvar förutom smöret när man gör smör av grädde. Det är tunnare än filmjölk och är ganska surt. Jag använda fil, spädde ut med vatten och lade till citron - det fungerade!


500ml majsmjöl
1 msk bakpulver
1 tsk bikarbonat
1 tsk salt
2 msk rapsolja
2 ägg
350ml "kärnmjölk" = 300ml filmjölk, 50ml vatten, 1 msk citronsaft

Smör och brödsmulor ELLER baconfett att smörja bakformen med

How to:
Sätt ugnen på 220°C.
Blanda ihop kärnmjölken och låt stå i 5 minuter.
Rör ihop majsmjöl, bakpulver, bikarbonat och salt i en bunke.
Knäck i äggen och häll över olja och "kärnmjölken" och blanda ihop till en slät smet.
Smöra och bröa ELLER smörj en bakform med baconfett.
Häll i smeten och baka i gunen i 20-25 minuter.
Täck över med folie om brödet blir för mörkt mot slutet.

Skär i bitar och ät som smörgås eller till en god soppa eller stark chili con carne!


Crumpets - a British classic // en brittisk klassiker

Crumpets, or pikelets as they are more often known as in parts of England and in Wales, are commonly associated with winter firesides and tea time. Crumpets and tea. Crumpets with lots of butter, and jam. If you're looking for a healthy recipe, stop reading this, haha. I'm not supposed to eat these due to all the flour but I've wanted to try making them at home for so long.... Crumpets are bready, light and delicious toasted with, as said above, a thick spread of butter. I know atleast one person is keen on this recipe that I have adapted from The British Cookbook. Here we go!
12 oz/350g plain flour
A pinch of salt
15g fresh yeast
1 tsp caster sugar
400 ml tepid/ luke warm milk
Butter to fry in
How to:
Stir together the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl.
Mix the sugar and yeast in a bowl. Add the tepid milk and stir until the yeast is disolved.
Add to the flour and mix together until smooth.
Beat it slightly to make the mixture airy and light.
Cover and let rise for 1h in a warm place.

Knock out the air in the mixture by stiring it.
Check the consistency - if too thick, add 1 tbsp water.
Let stand for another 10 minutes.

Grease a frying pan and the crumpet rings you are using with butter - use the size of your liking.
NOTE: You can buy these in your local shop that sells cooking equipment. Egg rings will work perfectly fine. I'm still waiting on my delivery from my Nan and was lucky to find this one in town today!
Heat up on medium level for 2 minutes.
Stand the rings in your pan and spoon in mixture, filling the rings halfway up.
Turn the heat down to low and let cook until the top looks like it is drying.
Carefully remove the rings and flip the crumpets.

Don't turn them too soon, or they might look like this, haha.

Fry them golden on the top side too.
Repeat until all the batter is used up.
Serve with butter and jam and tea of course!
Crumpets eller pikelets, det beror på vart man kommer ifrån i England och Wales, men de är namnen på dessa saftiga brödkakor. De förknippas med öppna brasor på vintern och den perfekta munsbiten till en het kopp te. Crumpets och te. Crumpets med massor av smör som smälter på. Och sylt. Om du letar efter ett nyttigt recept kan du sluta läsa nu, haha. Jag ska egentligen inte äta dessa på grund av allt vetemjöl men jag har längtat efter att göra dem hemma SÅ länge! Crumpets är spröda, lätta och fullkomligt underbara även när de brödrostas och smöras. Jag vet minst en person som är sugen på det här receptet som jag lånat från en bok mamma har, The British Cookbook. Nu kör vi! 
350g vetemjöl
En nypa salt
15g färsk jäst
1 tsk strösocker
400ml 37°C-varm mjölk
Smör att steka i.
How to:
Rör ihop mjöl och salt i en stor bunke.
Blanda ihop socker och jäst i en annan skål.
När mjölken nått 37°C - häll över jästen, rör om tills jästen lösts upp.
Häll över mjölkblandningen över mjölet och blanda ihop till en luftig och lätt smet.
Täck över med plastfolie eller en bakhandduk, ställ på en varm plats och låt jäsa i 1h.
När timmen passerat, rör om i smeten så att eventuell luft försvinner.
Om konsistensen är för tjock (tjockare än vanligt pannkakssmet), blanda ut med 1 msk vatten.
Låt stå i ytterliggare 10 minuter.
Värm upp plattan på mellanhög värme i 2 minuter.
Smöra en stekpanna och insidan av dina crumpet-ringar;
NOTERA: Jag köpte min på Presentknallen i Borås (väntar otåligt på leverans från mormor i England också). De finns i olika storlekar och liknande finns i andra butiker att använda vid stekning av ägg.
Ställ i crumpet-ringarna och skeda i smet till hälften.
Sänk värmen ganska lågt och låt steka tills ovansidan ser ut att torka.
Lyft försiktigt bort ringarna och flippa crumpetsen.
Var försiktig att inte vända dem för tidigt då all smet kommer flyta ut!
Stek crumpetsen gyllenbruna på båda sidor.
Upprepa tills all smet är använd!
Servera med smör och sylt till, och te förstås!

Oopsies - an alternativ bread // ett brödalternativ

Good... lunch? That's what we say in Sweden anyway, haha. I guess it's afternoon really. AAANYWAY. I'm having a real Nastasja-day today, doing only the things that I feel like. Just like a day off should be spent. I've been meaning to make these Oopsies for ages but not had the time. I came across them during my LCHF (Low Carbs High Fat) days, they contain zero flour. They work perfectly now as well by just exchanging one ingredient with another; I used Philadephia cheese back then but to lessen the fat I've now used quark instead. You can eat them as bread or maybe even try the mixture as a pie bottom! Recipe?
Ingredients for 4 oopsies:
2 eggs
70 g quark
A pinch of salt
2 tsp baking powder
Optional: any kind of seasoning.
How to:
Put your oven on 150°C.
Separate the egg yolks from the whites.
Whisk the egg whites hard until you can turn your bowl upside down without the contents falling out.
Mix the egg yolks, quark, salt, baking powder and any seasoning together in a seperate bowl.
Carefully fold the yolk mixture into the whites - don't over work it!
Cover a baking tray with a baking sheet.
Spoon the mixture into the size and shapes of your liking.
The mixture will not spread hardly at all!
Bake in the middle of the oven for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
Let cool and store in a tin och lunch box, each bread seperated with a bit of baking paper so they don't stick.
Godeftermiddag! Jag har en riktig Nastasja-dag idag och gör endast de saker som faller mig in. Precis så ska en ledig dag spenderas. Jag har velat göra dessa Oopsies länge men har verkligen inte haft tid. Jag stötte på dem under min LCHF (Low Carb High Fat-dagar och de innehåller noll procent mjöl. De fungerar perfekt även nu genom att endast byta ut Philadelphiaosten i mitt förra recept mot kvarg. Du kan äta dem som bröd eller använda smeten som en pajdeg! Recept?
Ingredienser för 4 oopsies:
2 ägg
70g kvarg
En nypa salt
2 tsk bakpulver
Valfritt: vilken kryddning som helst.
How to:
Separera äggvitorna från gulorna i två olika skålar.
Vispa äggvitorna så hårda att du kan vända skålen upp och ner utan att innehållet trillar ur.
Blanda gulorna med kvargen, saltet, bakpulvret och eventuella kryddor.
Vänd försiktning ner gulsmeten i vitorna - överarbeta inte!
Skeda ut smeten på en bakpapperskläd plåt i den storlek och form du vill.
Smeten flyter knappt ut alls!
Baka i ugnen i 25-30 minuter tills de fått gyllenbrun färg.
Låt svalna och förvara i en låda, varje bröd separerat med bakplåtspapper för att inte klibba fast i varandra.

Seedy hard bread // Fröigt knäckebröd

Two of my major food allergies are wheat and rhye. It complicates life a little as Sweden is such a sandwich country. We eat sandwiches for breakfast, as snacks and for tea too. Many of our cooked meals include bread too. Many people eat something called "knäckebröd" here - it's similar to riveta, a kind of hard bread. If you go IKEA you can find it there. It still contains wheat or rhye so I can't eat that either. So, today I am trying a recipe my friend Malin gave me, a hard bread made of different kinds of seeds instead.
2 dl corn flower - you can use spelt flour otherwise!
1 dl sesame seeds
1 dl sunflower seeds
1/2 dl lineseeds
2 tlbsp chia seeds - optional
A pinch of salt
2 dl boiling water
1/2 dl oil - raps/sunflower oil
How to:
Put your oven on 150°C.
Mix your dry ingredients together first.
Add the oil and water and stir into a sticky mixture.
Cover a baking tray with a baking sheet.
NOTE: If you have a small oven like myself you can divide the mixture up into two if you want the hard bread thinner.
Spread the mixture evenly over the whole baking sheet.
You can use a second baking sheet and press down the mixture without getting all sticky.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 1 hour.
Let cool and break into pieces.
Good luck!
Två av mina största matallergier är vete och råg. Det komplicerar livet lite då Sverige är ett sådant smörgåsland. Vi äter ju mackor till frukost, mellanmål och kvällsmat. Plus att många av våra lagade maträtter innehåller bröd på någo sätt. Vi är många som äter knäckebröd också, men det tål ju inte jag. Sedan är det många som gör egna knäckebröd och det är vad jag gjort också. Jag fick ett recept av min kompis Malin och det består av frön istället - win!
2 dl majsmjöl - använd dinkelmjöl annars!
1 dl sesamfrön
1 dl solrosfrön
1/2 dl linfrön
2 msk chiafrön - valfritt
1 krm salt
1/2 dl matolja
2 dl kokande vatten
How to:
Sätt ugnen på 150°C.
Täck en bakplåt med bakplåtspapper.
Blanda dina torra ingredienser i en skål.
Blanda i oljan och vatten och rör till en kladdig smet.
NOTE: Om du har en liten ugn som jag har kan du dela upp smeten på två för att få tunnare knäckebröd.
Tryck ut smeten jämt över hela plåten.
Du kan lägga ett till ark bakplåtspapper över smeten för att trycka ut smeten utan kladdet.
Grädda i ugnen i mitten av ugnen i 1 timme.
Lycka till!

West Indian dumplings // Västindiska dumplings

So, bread is nice. And despite being allergic to wheat and rhye I made my favourite bread to eat with my English breakfast. Mum has taught me to make West Indian fried dumplings and all your need is: milk, plain flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. I can imagine them being a nice bread to eat with soup too.
Ingredients for 4 dumplings:
1 dl cold milk
2 dl plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
A pinch of salt
Oil to fry in.
How to:
Mix the dry ingredients together.
Add the milk and work into a dough.
Shape into 4 balls and then fry in oil on medium heat until brown all around.
Serve with baked beans and crispy bacon.
Ingredienser för 4 dumplings:
1 dl kall mjölk
2 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
En nypa salt
Rapsolja att steka i.
How to:
Blanda ihop de torra ingredienserna.
Rör ner mjölken och arbeta ihop till en deg.
Forma fyra bullar och stek sedan i olja på mellanhög värme tills bullarna är gyllenbruna runt om.
Servera med vita bönor och krispig bacon.

Världens bästa filmjölksbröd

Det tar 75 minuter i ugnen och behöver inte jäsa. Inget annat än perfekt! Recept hittar du här!

Scones - a bread with variation

Good morning (it might not be for you but I only got up half an hour ago, haha)! Night shifts always make my life difficult when it comes to food. I'm always hungry but my body can't handle too much food in the middle of the night and I'm starving when I get home and am meant to go straight to bed. I was considering pancakes but then I thought of scones and just had to make some. After an eight hour night shift. Just had to. SO worth it.
1 dl line seeds
0,5 chia seeds
0,5 dl spelt flakes
4 dl plain flour
2 dl sifted rhye flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tblsp baking powder
4 dl fil / runny youghurt / milk
100 g butter
In one of the scones I used 1 dl of dried cranberries as well!
How to:
Put your oven om 250°C.
Mix all your dry ingredients together and take your butter out of the fridge.
Dice your butter and pinch together with the flour mixture until crumbly.
Add your fil/youghurt/milk and use a fork to mix evenly.
Cover a baking tray with baking paper and dollop the mixture onto it in the sized scones of your liking.
Bake in the oven until golden brown (approx. 15 minutes).
Let rest under a towel for a few minutes before you serve with butter, jam, cheese, ham, avocado, etcetera. 

Homemade tortillas, curried chicken and mango sauce

Completely lost focus in these picturesI was too hungry to function!
Good evening darlings! I invited a friend round earlier to show off my flat and serve some food. It was only when he got here that I remembered that he is a chef and I had to put together something good. I've got to say that I'm happy with the result, and so was he!
Ingredients (2 portions):
4 dl all purpose flour
1 dl water
2/3 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
50 g butter
Curried chicken:
2 fillets of chicken
1 tblsp yellow curry powder
A large pinch of sea salt
A large pinch of freshly ground pepper
2 small yellow onions
1 clove of garlic
6 slices of jalapeño (or after your own liking)
1 small chili
1 red paprika
Mango sauce:
1 mango
1 tomato
1/2 red onion
1 small bunch of fresh coriander
Juice from 1/2 lime
2,5 dl Turkish, Greek or other thick youghurt
Salt and pepper
How to:
Tortilla bread:
Mix salt, flour and baking powder in a mixing bowl.
Pinch your butter together with the flour until even.
Add water and mix together until a dough.
Stand aside until your chicken mixture and mango sauce is done.
When ready to use - 
divide into 6 parts and flatten with a rolling pin.
Heat up a pan and fry the tortillas in the dry pan 1-2 minutes on each side.
Place on top of each other under a towel to keep soft.
Mango sauce:
'Peel' the mango and remove the stone - dice the fruit meat.
Mix the mango with all of the other ingredients and stand aside, ready to serve.
Chop your onion and paprika roughly.
Fry together with your diced chicken, chopped jalapeño, a few lugs of oil, salt, pepper and curry.
Add your crushed garlic.
Fry until the chicken is done.
Serve your chicken on a tortilla with the mango sauce on top. Garnish with some strong cheese too!


Corn bread

OVER THE MOON with this. I am a big fan of Jamie Oliver. Besides my family, he is my biggest inspiration in the kitchen. I've watched the episodes of him in America cooking away in different parts of the country. One of my favourite foods from the programme is a hot chili with corn bread. I decided to try this type of bread with my soup that I made tonight. It has a quite anonymous taste because it's usually served with a dominating main meal. I can imagine it being very nice as breakfast bread with a spread of butter and a strong cheese.
Ingredients (1 loaf):
2 dl plain flour
2 dl corn meal (Polenta)
2 tbsp sugar
0,5 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 dl milk
2 eggs
How to:
Mix your dry ingredients in a bowl.
Whisk your milk and eggs fluffy together in a seperate bowl.
Fold your wet ingredients into your dry ones carefully - don't over-work your mixture.
Butter a bread tin and line it with breadcrumbs.
Pour your mixture into it and bake in your oven on 200°C for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

Apple and cranberry bread

I've got to say, this is a favourite recipe that can be changed in so many ways that it makes it so fun to bake. I am always inspired by Jenny who posts wonderful recipes, this is yet another one of hers. Hardly any effort is needed but a little more time in the oven. It's apple season and with the cranberries it gives a sweet and juicy touch to this dark bread.
100g apples
75g cranberries (dried)
2dl rye flour
2,5dl sifted rye flour
3/4dl lineseeds
1,5dl spelt flakes
3,5dl fil/runny youghurt
2tblsp honey
1tsp bikarbonat
How to:
Heat your oven to 175°C
Dice your apples and mix in a bowl with the cranberries, fil/youghurt and honey.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until all the ingredients are a sticky mixture.
Dress a baking bread baking tin in baking paper.
Pour your mixture in your baking tin.
Sprinkle some spelt flakes on top.
Bake for 75 minutes, after about half the time check the colour and cover in tin foil to not burn the top.
When the bread is done, let it rest for atleast 30 minutes in a towel, otherwise it's too sticky.
Enjoy it still warm with butter and cheese. 

Scones, my dears!

I invited my dear friend Elin round for tea this evening. Seeing as another lovely friend, Nana, gave me her scones recipe, I had to try it on someone. Lucky they tasted amazing!
Ingredients (~6 scones):
6dl plain flour
2dl of any other flour or grain - I used 0,5dl linseed, a few shakes of chia seeds, 0,5dl spelt flour and 1dl sifted rye flour.
100g butter
1 tblsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
4dl milk (I used 2dl "fil" / runny youghurt and 2dl milk)
How to:
Mix all of your dry ingredients together.
Pinch the butter together with your dry mixture until all is mixed into a crumble.
Add your milk (and youghurt) and work the ingredients together into a very sticky dough.
Spoon the mixture on to baking sheets in the size you want.
Keep in mind that they rise both in height and width.
Bake in your oven in 250°C until golden brown.
Serve with jams, cheeses, ham, and anything else you may like.
And, with tea of course!

English breakfast with hot sauce and dumplings

I have been craving mum's dumplings for weeks now and I only got round to making them this morning. They didn't turn out as well as hers shape-wise but they still tasted great. It's as simple as mixing flour, cold milk, a little bit of baking powder and a pinch of salt to a dough and frying them on "low-ish" heat in oil. 
With this I had my favourite sides - baked beans with a few drops of hot pepper sauce, fried potatoes and HP sauce, and fried bacon and spinach. So, so good.
Ingredients for your dumplings:
2 cups of flour (I used 2-2,5dl)
1 cup of milk (1 dl)
2 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
How to:
Mix together with a fork as it's quite a sticky dough.
Add extra flour if you need to - it's not to be too sticky.
Roll into balls the sizes about 1,5x a golf ball.
Fry in oil on medium heat in a regular frying pan until brown all round.
(Mum, if I need to be corrected here, please comment how, haha.)
Serve straight away and half them and spread butter on like you would with any other bread.
I hate the pain growing wisdom teeth bring. I'd rather be less wise than endure this pain. Therefore I am eating Alvedon, Ipren and Paracetemol to keep me from crying like a little baby.

Brödbak i söndags

Hallå gubbar och gummor! I söndags hade jag en riktigt Nastasja-dag med brödbak och grejer. Styrde samma bröd som jag gjort tidigare och det blev jättegott igen!
Ha-i-vad-du-vill-ha-i bröd:
4dl filmjölk
3/4dl mörk sirap
1dl kruskakli
1/2dl krossade linfrön
1dl dinkelflingor
1tsk bikarbonat
4,5dl rågsikt
100g nötter eller russin eller torkad frukt eller vad du vill!; jag hade i en blandning av russin, pumpakärnor, solrosfrön, chiafrön och havre.
Hur gör du då?
Blanda ihop fil, sirap och din 100g blandning av vad du vill.
Blanda sedan i resten till en smet.
Klä en brödform med bakplåtspapper och häll i smeten.
Baka i ugnen i 75 minuter på 175°C.
Täck eventuellt över brödet med folie mot slutet så att det inte blir för mörkt.
Låt vila cirka 30 minuter efter det bakats klart så att limpan blir fast.

Tortillas with curried chicken

Hi there! How has your weekend been? Mine's been great despite quite a bit of rain and the cold I've brought back. I wouldn't say no to some of the food above. I made my own tortilla bread using this recipe. It was so easy! With this I mixed together a sauce using 1,5-2dl creme fraiché, 100g fetacheese, 1 clove of garlic and some salt and pepper. Crush the garlic and mix the ingredients together and you'll have one hell of a tasty mixture! 

Homemade tortillas

I can't upload pictures guys, so I can't show you the tortillas I made yesterday. Going away to Kungshamn/Smögen this weekend to celebrate midsummer, and on Monday I'm off to England. I guess you could call it a holiday! I'll be back when I've landed again.

Happy midsummer!

Bagel success

Right. I am the happiest person right now. I have succeeded in baking bagels and they taste so good! Unluckily we didn't have any cream cheese at home but my sister and I survived anyway. I've knicked the recipe from the amazing Jenny and you can find it here!

It's rising!

I know I've done something right in my first attempt at baking BAGELS. The dough is actually rising, haha. I'm overjoyed. How can cooking make me so happy? It's so theraputical. I'll get back to you with the result of course.

Brown bread with sunflower and pumpkin seeds

I only decided on making this type of bread when the other loaf was rising. Lucky I did because the other one was a complete catastrophy, haha! This dark bread was as juicy and good as it looks.

4dl thin sour-ish youghurt (filmjölk)
3/4dl dark syrup
1/2dl crushed linseeds (linfrön)
1dl spelt flakes (or farrow, I'm not sure what the translation of 'dinkelflingor' is).
1dl wheat bran (kruskakli)
4 1/2dl sifted rye flour (rågsikt; I only used 3dl because I thought it might be too dry otherwise).
1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate
100g of whatever you want in your bread - I used sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Nuts, dried fruit, raisens and currents will work lovely too.

Mix your sour youghurt with your syrup.
Add the rest of your ingredients and mix smooth.
Put baking paper in a bread mould and pour in your mixture.
Put it in your oven for 75 minutes in 175 degrees celsius.
Have a look after just half an hour and see if your bread is brown enough and cover it with foil.

Let your bread rest when it is done - it'll be very sticky otherwise.
I enjoyed a few slices with butter and strong English chedder cheese!

Inspiration and recipe from Cookies N Dreams.

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