Köttfärssåsen med två extra ingredienser // The bolougnese with two extra ingredients

Hej vänner! En ledig dag som denna passar köttfärssåsen bra in att laga inför helgens jobb. Den är enkel, smakar ljuvligt och går att göra på max en halvtimme. Hur bra?! Har slängt i ytterligare två ingredienser till mitt befintliga recept: balsamvinäger och Worcestershire sauce. 1 msk av varje räcker för att ge en fylligare smak.
Hi friends! On my day off this bolougnese is perfect to cook, especially as I am working this weekend and I'll need lunch there. It is easy, it tastes fantastic and it's made in maximum half an hour. Brilliant! I've added two more ingredients to my already exisiting recipe: balsamic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce. 1 tblsp of each will give you a bolougnese with fuller flavour.

Westindian meatballs with rice and hot pepper suace

Old pictures but the same beeeeautiful recipe!

Good morning lovelies! I'm not going to do more than mention the fact that it's been quiet here. Life has been busy and I haven't really had time to cook that much, I've eaten loads of bought sushi and will try to master that myself soon. But back to the meatballs! I stayed round my mum's during the weekend and collected a few of my favourite recipes, this being one of them.
The meatballs are juicy, the taste of thyme and tomato make the sauce fantastic, fluffy rice, just-crunchy-enough carrots and a few splashes of hot pepper sauce and I am done!
500g minced beef
3 yellow onions
1 egg
Thyme, salt and black pepper
2 tomatoes
3 tblsp tomato puré
1 oxxo cube / meat stock cube
4 carrots
Maizena/flour to roll the meatballs in
Oil to fry 
How to:
Grate two onions and mix with the mince and egg.
Season with thyme, salt and black pepper.
Shape into large meatballs, roll in maizena and brown in oil on medium heat.
Crumble the stock cube over the meatballs.
Chop the last onion and cube the tomatoes.
Add to the pan with the tomato puré.
Add boiling water so it reaches halfway up the meatballs.
Turn down to simmer.
Peel the carrots and cut into sticks, add to the pan.
Taste the sauce and possibly add more salt and black pepper.
Serve with rice and any other vegetable you may be craving.

Cowboyköttfärs m. sparris // Creamy cowboy mince w. asparagus

Typ, världens enklaste lunch. Jag hade köttfärs och tänkte på spiskummin. Sen var det klart vad det skulle bli.
~400g köttfärs
1 gul lök
1 morot
1/2 paprika
1/2-1 röd chili - smaka, är den stark så ta halva/ta ur fröna
Salt, svartpeppar, spiskummin, paprikapulver, chilipulver (valfritt)
1 dl creme fraiché
2-3 champinjoner / 1/2 portobellosvamp
Sparris + smör att steka i
How to:
Hacka löken, skala och skär moroten i bitar, skär paprikan och svampen i bitar.
Stek alltsammans i lite olivolja på medelhög värme tills grönsakerna mjuknat lite.
Lägg i köttfärsen och bryn den med grönsakerna.
Krydda och smaka av med alla kryddorna.
Lägg i creme fraichén och smaka av igen.
Böj den nedre delen av sparrissen tills den går av naturligt på ett ställe.
Skär sedan i bitar och stek i smör och lite salt tills de fått fin färg.
Servera alltsammans med en god sallad!
Probably the easiest lunch. Ever. I had mince and I thought of cumin. Then it was obvious what I was going to make. 
~400g mince
1 yellog onion
1 carrot
1/2 paprika
1/2-1 red chili - taste, if it's too strong only use half/de-seed it
Salt, black pepper, cumin, paprika powder, chili powder (optional)
1 dl creme fraiché
2-3 mushrooms / 1/2 portobello mushroom
Asparagus + butter to fry in
Salad ingredients
How to:
Chop the onion, peel and cut the carrot into pieces and do the same with the paprika and mushrooms.
Fry them all in a bit of olive oil on medium high heat until the vegetables have softened a little.
Put in the mince and brown it with the vegetables.
Add the spices and taste!
Add the creme fraiché and taste again.
Bend the bottom of the asparagus until it snaps off naturally.
Cut the rest into pieces and fry in butter and a little salt until they have got a nice colour.
Serve altogether with a nice crispy salad.

Italian spaghetti & sausage meatballs // Italienska korvköttbullar med spaghetti

Hi lovers! How are you today? I am full up to the brim as we speak. These Cumberland sausages were brought to me from my Nan who came over from England last week. We don't have anything as good as these in Sweden. They contain 72% pork and have a completely different taste than the normal sausage you can buy here. I was inspired by an old Jamie Oliver recipe where he makes meatballs from the sausage meat.
4 cumberland sausages or anything likewise (Lidl usually have meaty sausages)
1 can of crushed tomatoes
0,5 dl boiling water
1 tblsp tomato pure
1/2 onion
1 large clove of garlic
Salt, black pepper and basil
Cheese to grate on top
Oil to fry in
How to:
Untwirl the ends of the sausages and press out the meat in chunks the size of your liking.
Chop your onion finely and fry in oil together with your meatballs.
Boil your spaghetti.
Pour in the can of tomatoes, tomato pure and boiling water.
Crush your garlic in too and stir.
Season with salt, black pepper and basil.
Make sure the meatballs are cooked right through.
Drain your pasta and pour into your saucepan with the meatballs and sauce.
Serve with freshly ground pepper and loads of grated cheese.
Tjena snyggon! Hur mår ni? Jag är proppmätt i skrivande stund. Dessa korvar är av det engelska märket Cumberland och levererades av mormor när hon anlände förra veckan från England. De innehåller 72% fläskkött och är olikt all annan korv jag ätit här i Sverige. Det finns något liknande på Lidl tror jag! Jag blev idag inspirerad av ett gammalt Jamie Oliver recept där han gör korvköttbullar.
4 Cumberland (eller annan köttig korv) korvar
1 burk krossade/passerade tomater
0,5 dl kokande vatten
1 msk tomatpuré
1/2 gul lök
1 stor vitlöksklyfta
Salt, svartpeppar och basilika
Ost till garnering
Olja att steka i
How to:
Öppna upp korven i ändarna och tryck ut korvköttet i storleken du vill ha köttbullarna i och forma dem.
Hacka löken fint och stek i oljan tillsammans med kötbullarna.
Koka spaghettin.
Häll i dina krossade tomater, tomatpurén och det kokande vattnet.
Krossa i vitlöken och rör runt.
Smaka av med salt, svartpeppar och basilika.
Se till att köttbullarna är helt genomstekta.
Häll av vattnet från pastan och lägg i samma stekpanna som köttbullarna.
Servera med nymald svartpeppar och massor av riven ost.

Good ole spag' bol' // Gammal hederlig spaghetti och köttfärssås

If there's anything called to be called a safecard when it comes to food, it'll be spaghetti bolognese. It's also a perfect "fridge cleaner", you can add most stuff vegetables to it and it'll taste good in that tomato-y sauce. The recipe is my dear mother's and has been a favourite through my entire childhood; I will also be greeting a very satisfied boyfriend later when he sees what's for tea, haha!
So, do you want the recipe?
500g beef mince
2 yellow onions
2 large cloves of garlic
1 1/2 tin crushed tomatoes + 1/2 tin of water
Optional: mushrooms, paprika, carrots, squash, corn, beans
2 meat stock cubes
2-3 tblsp tomato puré
Salt, pepper and basil
Optional: cream for a thicker sauce
How to:
Chop your onion and fry together with your mince in a big saucepan.
When the mince is brown, add your tomato puré, tinned tomatoes, water and crush your garlic in.
Add your stock cubes and stir until melted.
Chop your vegetables and extras into pieces and add to your pan.
Let simmer.
Season with salt, pepper and basil.
Cook your spaghetti (follow the instructions on the packet).
Serve your spaghetti with your bolognese and grate some tasty cheese on top to melt.
A nice green salad or grated carrot goes great with this.
Om det är något som alltid går hem hos mig är det just spaghetti och köttfärssås. Det är alltid så himla gott, jag älskar det! Det är perfekt om du behöver rensa kylen på grönsaker med då det mesta går ner och smakar grymt gott med tomatsåsen. Detta recept är min kära mors och har varit en favorit sedan barnsben. Även min pojkvän älskar den här måltiden vilket innebär att han kommer vara väldigt nöjd när det serveras i la casa del Nastasja ikväll!
Receptet kanske?
500g nötfärs
2 gula lökar
2 stora vitlöksklyftor
1 1/2 burkar krossade tomater + 1/2 burk vatten
Valfritt: svamp, paprika, morötter, squash, majs, bönor
2 köttbuljongtärningar
2-3 msk tomatpuré
Salt, svartpeppar och basilika
Valfritt: grädde för en tjockare sås
How to:
Hacka löken och stek tillsammans med köttfärsen i en stor kastrull.
När köttfärsen har brynts kan du hälla i dina krossade tomater, tomatpurén, vattnet och krossa i din vitlök.
Lägg i buljongtärningarna rör runt tills de smält.
Hacka dina grönsaker och lägg i.
Låt sjuda.
Krydda med salt, peppar och basilika.
Koka dina spaghetti (följ instruktionerna på förpackningen).
Servera spaghettin med köttfärssåsen och riv lite god ost på toppen.
En god grönsallad eller riven morot passar så bra med detta.

Large meatballs with carrots mash and onion gravy // Pannbiffar med morotsmos och lökskysås

Gravy and mash, mash and gravy. Any mash will work. Gravy is supposed to be made from scratch by cooking meat, chicken or turkey in the oven with vegetables and then using the lovely natural fats and juices to  make it. When I get a bigger oven I will try this, until then I will cheat and use something called Bisto gravy. It's a powder you mix with cold water and add to whatever you're cooking. ANYWAY, carrot mash - yum.
Ingredients 2-3 portions:
400-500g beef mince
3 yellow onions
6 carrots
 2,5 dl cold water
2-3 tblsp Bisto gravy
A knob of butter for the carrot mash
Black pepper, white pepper, powdered nutmeg
How to:
Peel your carrots and slice them into 1 cm thick slices.
Boil in salted water.
Whilst your carrots are cooking:
chop 1 onion finely and mix with the mince.
Season with black pepper.
Shape the mince into meatballs and fry on medium high heat in a mixture of oil and butter.
Slice the other 2 onions finely.
When browned on both sides, mix the water and gravy powder in a seperate bowl and add to the pan.
Add the sliced onion and bring the gravy to a boil.
Turn down to simmer until the carrots are soft.
Turn the meatballs occasionally.
Pour the water from the carrots and mash them with a knob of butter and season with a little white pepper and nutmeg.
Serve with vegetables of your liking!
Skysås och mos, mos och skysås. Vilken typ av mos som helst fungerar. Den här skysåsen ska egentligen göras från grunden genom att laga kött, kyckling eller kalkon i ugnen med grönsaker. Man använder sedan de naturliga fetterna och köttsafterna för att göra såsen. När jag skaffar en större ugn kommer jag göra detta, tills dess fuskar jag med något som kallas Bisto gravy som vi köper när vi är i England. Det är ett pulver som blandas med kallt vatten. HUR SOM HELST, morotsmos - mums!
Ingredienser 2-3 portioner:
400-500g nötfärs
3 gullökar
6 morötter
2,5 dl kallt vatten
2-3 msk Bisto gravy
En klick smör till morotsmoset
Svartpeppar, vitpeppar och muskotnöt
How to:
Skala dina moröttern och skär dem i 1cm tjocka bitar.
Koka i saltat vatten.
Medan dina morötter kokar:
hacka 1 lök fint och blanda med nötfärsen.
Krydda med svartpeppar.
Forma till pannbiffar och stek i en smör/oljeblandning på mellanhög värme.
Skiva de andra 2 lökarna fint.
Blanda ihop Biston med vattnet och häll i pannan när pannbiffarna fått färg på båda sidor.
Lägg i din skivade lök, låt såsen koka upp och vrid sedan ner värmen.
Låt puttra tills morötterna är mjuka.
Mosa morötterna med en klick smör och smaka av med vitpeppar och muskotnöt.
Servera med valfria grönsaker.

Pointy paprikas filled with taco mince

Hiya! How are you guys today? Despite the persisting rain outside I'm very happy. Just cooked this and I'm soon off to work. I've been food shopping today and when I saw the pointy peppers I bought two and hurried home. This is so quick to make!
2 pointy paprikas
~100g mince (unsure of the weight, but use mince to fill the peppers!)
5 feferonis
1/2 yellow onion
Taco spice or any other seasoning for your mince
Salad consisting of cucumber, green lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese, red onion and avocado.
How to:
Put your oven on 225°C.
Chop your onion and fry together with the mince.
Slice your feferonis and add to the frying pan.
Add the taco spice with a little water to the mince.
Cut off the top of your paprikas and de-seed them.
Fill them with the mince and make sure you get the filling all the way down.
Put in an oven-proof dish and drizzle olive oil over the peppers.
Cook in the oven until the peppers have a charred colour.
Serve straight away with the salad.

Meatloaf with potatoes and a creamy brown sauce

I love what Swedes call "husmanskost" - it's the everyday food that has always existed here. This is a common meal and if you get it right it's delicious. It's the first time I ever made it and I definitely need to be heavier on the seasoning next time, otherwise it was good. Interested in the recipe?
~500g mince
1 yellow onion
1 egg
1/2 dl breadcrumbs
3/4 dl milk
1/2 dl cream
Salt and white pepper
Soy colouring (Sojakulör) + 2 tblsp butter
6-8 potatoes
Brown sauce:
40g butter
1/4 flour or Maizena
1 dl cream
2 dl stock from the meatloaf
Salt, white pepper and soy colouring
How to:
Put your oven on 200°C.
Let your breadcrumbs swell for 10 minutes in the milk mixed with the cream.
Chop your onion finely and mix with the mince.
Add your egg and breadcrumb mixture to the mince.
Season with salt and white pepper.
Butter a bread tin and put all the mince in it.
Melt the butter and mix with the soy colouring and brush over the top of the meatloaf.
Cook for approximately 40 minutes in the oven.
Whilst the meatloaf is cooking, peel your potatoes and boil them in salted water.
When the meatloaf is ready, pour the stock from the tin into a seperate bowl.
Melt the butter for the sauce in a pan and stir in the flour/maizena.
Add the stock.
Add the cream.
Taste and season after your own liking.
Add soy colouring for the... colour, haha.
Serve with gurkins, lingon jam and maybe some steamed carrots!

Swedish meatballs 2.0

Good morning dears! I've just finished the delicious sandwiches you can see above and am on my sofa listening to Christmas music. The snow is swirling around outside and my entire flat smells of meatballs! Yesterday was such a perfect cooking day so after my 'lussekatter' I tried an actual meatball recipe and was happy to roll 70 meatballs to have a stash in my freezer. (This morning when I put my coat on I smellt like a meatball because I don't have a kitchen fan).
Ingredients (60-80 meatballs depending on size):
1 kg mince (half pork/half beef)
1 1/2 dl grated onion (1 1/2-2 onions)
1 1/2 dl breadcrumbs
2 dl milk
1 dl cream
~1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
2 eggs
Butter and/or oil to fry in
How to:
Pour your milk, cream and breadcrumbs in a bowl - stir - and let swell for 10 minutes.
Grate your onion.
Mix your mince with the white pepper, sugar and salt until the mixture is firm.
Add your eggs and mix until the mince is firm again.
Finally add your breadcrumbs and onion and mix into your mince.
Wet your hands and roll your meatballs into the size of your liking.
If you want to be certain of the taste, fry one small meatball first and add more spices if needed.
Fry on medium high heat in a little butter and oil.
I ate a few sliced on my homemade bread with Philadelphia cheese - yum!

Hot chilli con carne

Howdy! When I hear Chilli con Carne I think of the wild west and cowboys. It's just a fixed image in my head. The best chilli I ever ate was one that an ex-boyfriend's mother made years ago when we were going up north snowboarding. I made my mind up and wrote to her the other day and she gave me her recipe. I combined it with one of Jamie Oliver's and I think I've come up with an amazing combination. Ready for it?
 3 red onions (I will probably use yellow ones next time)
2 red paprikas
1 tin of Cannellini beans
1 tin of Kidney beans
1 tin of baked beans
2 cloves of garlic
~ 600 g beef mince
2 small hot chilis (de-seed if needed)
2 tins of crushed tomatoes (800g)
1 tin of water
2 tblsp balsamic vinegar
Salt, black pepper, cinnamon, cayenne pepper and caraway.
1 small bunch of cilantro coriander
1 tblsp BBQ sauce (I use Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce)
1 tblsp ketchup
How to:
Chop your onion finely and your paprikas roughly.
Fry in your largest casserole pan in a few lugs of oil for approximately 7 minutes until soft, stir randomly.
Season with 1 teaspoon of salt, pepper, caraway, cinnamon and cayenne pepper.
Add your beans, crushed tomatoes and water.
Crush your garlic and add your chopped coriander and de-seeded and finely chopped chilis.
Also add your balsamic vinegar.
Let simmer for 10 minutes.
Fry your mince in a seperate pan (or pour your contents into a saucepan and use the same frying pan).
Season with salt and pepper.
When done, pour into your saucepan and add your BBQ sauce and ketchup.
Taste and season if needed.
Let simmer for 15 minutes and stir occasionally.
Serve hot with sides such as coleslaw, rice, baked potato, bread and/or a crispy green salad.

Killer burger with coleslaw

I'm so proud of this compilation. I wanted coleslaw tonight, it's the cheapest thing to make during the autumn. Cabbage and carrots are autumn vegetables and cost pittance. The thing with my cravings for coleslaw is that I have to figure out what to eat as the main part of the dish, haha. As I was at Hard Rock Café this Saturday gone, I thought of burgers. I also bought a barbeque sauce today, and had some of my corn bread left over.
3 carrots - grated
Cabbage - the same amount as the grated carrot when slices thinly
3 small yellow onions
300 g mayonaise
0,5 dl sugar
Black pepper
200 g mince
1,5 tblsp mustard
2-3 tblsp bread crumbs
Salt, pepper
How to:
Follow the instructions from this post!
Mix all the ingredients together.
Make your burgers.
Fry them in a tiny bit of oil as the mince usually is fatty enough.
I cheated and used chips out of a bag this time that I just fried whilst putting my burger together.
Use whatever sides to make your burger your favourite; I had mayonaise, tomatoes, jalapeños, cucumber, red onion and cheese on mine.


Shepherds Pie

Rubbish quality because of the poor light at 8.30pm.

Good evening peeps! Made this delicious meal earlier using my lovely mother's recipe. This is English food for you and even though it might not look very appetizing to some, it does taste amazing.
300g mince
2 yellow onions
2-3 carrots
2 tomtoes
1 big pinch of salt
1 big pinch of black pepper
2 tablespoons of Maizena
2 tablespoons (the ones you use to eat with) of Bisto gravy powder
6-8 potatoes
Butter and milk
1dl grated strong cheese
How to:
Peel and boil your potatoes in a good pinch of salt.
Brown your mince with your chopped onion.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add your chopped tomatoes.
Add your sliced carrots.
Add water so it just covers the contents of the pan and let simmer for 8 minutes.
Mix the bisto and maizena together in a bowl, add a splash of water and mix until smooth.
Add another cup of water and mix till even.
Take your pan off the heat and stir the bisto mixture into your mince. Keep stiring so there are no clumps in there.
Bring to the boil again and then turn down to simmer for another 8 minutes.
Taste (!) and add water if you want more gravy.
Mash your potatoes with butter and milk and a tad of salt.
Mix your mash with the cheese.
Use a casserole dish and pour your mince into the bottom.
Cover it with the mash - be careful to not press down to much on the mince as it will pour over the sides.
Bake in the oven for 20-25 minuter in 200-225°C.
Serve with boiled/steamed vegetables like broccoli, carrots, peas, brussel sprouts and beans.

Yesterday's Swedish meatball recipe

I've not quite mastered these Swedish meatballs. Mum is British and she makes some kick-ass ones. I usually have mustard in mine but I didn't have any at home yesterday so I had to do without.
450g mince (I only use beef)
1 yellow onion
3-4 tblsp bread crumbs
Salt, pepper
How to:
Grate your onion finely.
Mix with all the other ingredients.
Roll your meatballs.
Fry in butter on medium high heat (7/8-9 on mine) until golden brown.
Lovely with potatoes, on sandwiches, with macaroni or just as they are!

Yesterday's Swedish meatball recipe

I've not quite mastered these Swedish meatballs. Mum is British and she makes some kick-ass ones. I usually have mustard in mine but I didn't have any at home yesterday so I had to do without.
450g mince (I only use beef)
1 yellow onion
3-4 tblsp bread crumbs
Salt, pepper
How to:
Grate your onion finely.
Mix with all the other ingredients.
Roll your meatballs.
Fry in butter on medium high heat (7/8-9 on mine) until golden brown.
Lovely with potatoes, on sandwiches, with macaroni or just as they are!

Those Swedish meatballs

I've not quite mastered these Swedish meatballs. Mum is British and she makes some kick-ass ones. I usually have mustard in mine but I didn't have any at home yesterday so I had to do without.

Swedish meatballs

Recipe will be up tomorrow!

Tacosallad med guacamole

Efter ett träningspass är det alltid gott med ett rejält mål mat men när det är på kvällen föredrar jag något som inte är så tungt. Tacosallad är då perfekt! Gjorde min guacamole till med 1 avocado mosad med några skedar creme fraiché, en skvätt citronsaft, 1 vitlöksklyfta, och några nypor salladskrydda och örtsalt. 

Bisto gravy beef burgers and mash

Hello you! Long time no see, huh? I know. It's been a problem with the Internet and it is not yet solved (Monday hopefully!). Luckily this hasn't stopped me from cooking and I have managed despite my miniture kitchen.
Gravy is something English and not common in the Swedish kitchen, but mark my words - you're missing out. It's not creamy like the sauce we have with our meatballs in Sweden, and it's not watery either. If you add a few teaspoons of Bisto gravy powder you get this 'laaaavly' gravy. 
I mixed together beef mince, 1 small chopped onion, 1 egg, a few shakes of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and formed burgers. I fried them in a little bit of oil and added a bit of hot water. I mixed a few teaspoons of Bisto in cold water and stirred it down into the pan and brought it to the boil. Add sliced onion to your sauce and let simmer.
Serve with mashed potatoes and any kind of vegetables!

Italian meatballs

Woah. Yep, that's what I thought yesterday when I managed to whip up a fab meal in just an hour before I went to work. I had defrosted mince to create a masterpiece with and I miscalculated time a little so I was running round the kitchen trying to cook something I'd never done before - Italian meatballs in tomato sauce with spaghetti. The result was lovely, believe it or not! Forgot my camera in my flat though so I only have a picture on my phone. I'll be re-creating this dish and showing you a different time. Just thought I'd let you know I'm not starving myself just because there are no posts here...
Standby. I'm moving out in a few days!

4th of July burgers

My friend Nana spent 6 months in America as an au-pair a few years back and yesterday she wanted to celebrate their day of independance, 4th of July. I wasn't going to say no when it meant BBQ:ing burgers and hanging out at Malin's after not seeing these girls for a week and a half. Good night in 25 degrees and sun.

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