The best salmon ever

Here it is, the simple and delicious salmon. My boyfriend's uncle lives in Norway were salmon is so common and cheap that they bring some down with them when they visit. I was given some lovely pieces and they are perfect to cook quick.
3 pieces of salmon - defrosted!
5 cherry tomatoes
3/4 packet of feta cheese
Salt, pepper, lemon pepper
Squeeze of lemon
Mixed leaves like rocket and baby spinach
Red onion or leek
Paprika - any colour
Olive oil
How to:
Put your oven on at 220°C.
Drizzle a little bit of olive oil in a casserole dish and place the pieces of salmon in - skin-side down if it's left on.
Season with salt, pepper and lemon pepper.
Drizzle olive oil over the salmon and squeeze some lemon over the lot.
Crumble the feta cheese over the fish and slice and place your tomatoes on and around.
Cook in the oven for 15 minutes.
Make your salad and eat with your salmon when it's done.
Drizzle some balsamico over the salad and ENJOY!
Birthday celebrations / Födelsedagsfirande

Yesterday I celebrated my lovely boyfriend. I made my fish cakes to which you can find the recipe here! We drank a lovely red wine and then finished off the evening with strawberries and melted chocolate to the first Hangover film. He seemed very happy with it all!
Igår firade jag min underbara pojkvän. Jag gjorde fish cakes som du hittar receptet till här! Vi drack ett gott rött vin och avslutade kvällen med jordgubbar och smält choklad till första Hangover-filmen. Han verkade supernöjd!
Salmon.Asparagus.GarlicMarinatedMushrooms // Lax.Sparris.VitlöksmarineradeChampinjoner

Sadly the salmon was a tad too dry and I wish I'd had fresh asparagus, but otherwise it was SO, so good. No recipe this time, it's on in the making. Hang in there!
Ugnsbakad torsk med äggsås // Oven baked cod with creamy egg sauce

Hej mina fina! Allt bra? Igår var en lång dag på jobbet och efter en skön powerwalk var jag mer än sugen på torsken jag tagit fram. Jag glömmer ofta av kokböckerna jag har ståendes på min hylla, men igår tog jag fram Rutiga kokboken jag köpte på bokrean. Hittade inspiration till recepten till både fisken och äggsåsen jag gjorde till. Blev verkligen supergott! En perfekt middag helt enkelt.
Ingredienser 2 portioner:
2-4 torskfiléer beroende på storlek och tjocklek
Några klickar smör
1 tsk salt
3-4 gula lökar
2 msk smör
2 msk vetemjöl
4-5 dl ljus buljong (T.ex. 1 fiskbuljongtärning utspädd i 5 dl kokande vatten)
Salt, vitpeppar
4 ägg
How to:
Sätt ugnen på 200°C.
Skala potatisen och lägg i saltat vatten.
Blanda ut buljongtärningen i kokande vatten och ställ åt sidan.
Koka äggen hårda.
Smöra en ugnssäker form och lägg i fisken och salta den.
Finhacka persiljan och strö över fisken.
Skär löken i skivor och ströv över fisken också.
Klicka ut lite smör här och var över alltihopa.
Ställ formen på dina spisplattor och låt koka upp under lock/folie i 5-10 minuter; 10 minuter om fisken är frusen.
Koka upp vattnet potatisen.
Ställ in fisken i ugnen i 20-25 minuter.
Smält smöret i en kastrull och blanda ner mjölet.
Låt fräsa i några minuter innan du ställer av kastrullen från plattan.
Häll i all din ljumna buljong och låt sedan koka upp under omrörning.
Låt koka i 3-5 minuter.
Smaka av innan du eventuellt kryddar med mer salt och vitpeppar.
Precis innan servering skär du äggen i bitar och lägger i för att bli genomvarma.
Servera fisken med kokt potatis, äggsåsen och lite kokta ärtor.
Hello dears! How are you? Yesterday I had such a long day at work and after a nice powerwalk I was more than looking forward to the cod I'd taken out from the freezer. I often forget about my cookbooks I have standing on my shelf, but yesterday I brought out one that I bought at this year's book sale. I found inspiration for both the fish and the creamy egg sauce I made with it. A perfect dinner that tasted lovely.
Ingredients 2 portions:
2-4 fillets of cod depending on size and thickness
A few knobs of butter
1 tso salt
3-4 yellow onions
Egg sauce:
2 tblsp butter
2 tblsp flour
4-5 dl light stock (E.g. 1 fish stock cube disolved in 5 dl boiling water)
Salt, white pepper
4 eggs
How to:
Put on your oven at 200°C.
Peel your potatoes and put in salted water.
Mix your stock cube with boiling water and stand aside.
Boil your eggs hard.
Butter a casserole dish and put in your fish and salt it.
Finely chop your parsley (I finely got to use my Jamie Oliver mezzaluna!) and sprinkle over the fish.
Spread out the knobs of butter here and there over the fish too.
Stand your casserole dish on your stove and let boil under a lid/foil for 5-10 minutes; 10 minutes if the fish is frozen.
Boil your potatoes.
Put your fish in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Egg sauce:
Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir the flour in too.
Let it fry for a few minutes whilst stiring.
Take your pan off the stove.
Pour in all of your fish stock and bring up to the boil whilst stiring.
Let boil for 3-5 minutes.
Taste before you season with more salt and white pepper.
Just before serving, chop your eggs into pieces and add to the sauce to warm through.
Serve your fish with boiled potatoes, the egg sauce and peas.
Taco tubs with salmon // Tacobåtar med lax

It was just one of those days when I had an idea in my head and it just had to be done. Taco tubs are great for me because they contain zero wheat and rhye, only corn. Woop woop! Salmon has really become my favourite fish in its way to be the easiest and quickest thing to cook.
Ingredients 1 tacotub:
1 fillet of salmon
1 portion quinoa (see measurments on the packet)
4 slices of squash
4 cherry tomatoes
A handful of salad
Salt, pepper, lemon pepper (or just fresh lemon juice)
Feta cheese sauce:
2x5cm feta cheese
1 dl creme fraiché/youghurt
1 clove of garlic
Salt and black pepper
How to:
Make your quinoa - follow the instructions on the packet.
Season your fish with salt, pepper and lemon pepper/lemon juice on both sides.
Fry in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.
Salt your slices of squash and fry in oil until golden on both sides.
Quarter your tomatoes and fry until soft.
Crumble your feta cheese into your creme fraiché/youghurt, crush your garlic in too.
Season with salt and black pepper.
Stand your tacotub on a plate and layer your differnet components in it and dollop the sauce on top.
Eat it and don't care if it gets messy, it'll still taste good!
Det var bara en sådan dag där jag hade en fix idé som bara var tvungen att utföras. Tacobåtar är perfekt för mig då de endast innehåller majsmjöl och inget vete eller råg. WOHO! Lax har även blivit en favorit på sitt sätt att vara lättlagat och snabblagat.
Ingredienser 1 tacobåt:
1 laxfilé
1 portion quinoa (följ måtten på paketet)
4 skivor squash
4 körsbärstomater
1 näve sallad
Salt, peppar, citronpeppar (eller citronsaft)
2x5cm fetaost
1 dl creme fraiché/youghurt
1 vitlöksklyfta
Salt och svartpeppar
How to:
Gör din quinoa - följ instruktionerna på paketet.
Krydda din fisk med salt, peppar och citronpeppar/citronsaft
Stek i olja i 2-3 minuter på varje sida.
Salta dina squashskivor och stek i olja tills de är gyllenbruna på båda sidorna.
Halvera och halvera dina tomaterna igen och stek tills de fått färg.
Smula ner fetaosten i din creme fraiché/youghurt, krossa även i vitlöken.
Smaka av med salt och svartpeppar.
Ställ tacobåten på en tallrik och fyll på med dina olika ingredienser och avsluta med såsen på toppen.
Ät och bry dig inte om det blir kladdigt, det smakar fortfarande grymt gott!
Smörstekt rödspätta med mos // Plaice fried in butter served with mash

TJA! Är inte stekt rödspätta något av det bästa som finns? Det tycker jag. Det finns inte så mycket att orda om, bara åk och köp ett gäng filéer, en påse potatis och vad som önskas till. Fisken blir så perfekt krispig på utsidan och underbart flikig under paneringen.
Ingredienser 2 port:
4 rödspättefiléer -Jag har kört på ett märke ur frysdisken som heter ECAB, men testa er fram. TINA!
4-7 potatisar
Smör att steka i.
Mjöl att panera i - jag använde majsmjöl, men det är valfritt!
Salt och svartpeppar.
How to:
Skala potatisen och koka i saltat vatten.
När det är 10 minuter kvar på potatisen, börja med fisken:
Blanda mjölet med salt och pepper på en tallrik.
Fisken ska vara upptinad och ska vändas i mjöl/salt/peppar-blandningen på båda sidorna.
Stek i rikligt med smör på medelhög värme.
När båda sidor är gyllenbruna är fisken färdig.
Gör moset.
Servera fisk och mos med en remouladsås eller bara en fräsch sallad och några citronklyftor som pressas över fisken.
HELLO! Isn't fried plaice one of the best things in the world? I think so. There's not much to say, just go out and buy som plaice fillets, potatoes and whatever you like with it. The fish is fried perfectly crispy on the outside and is flaky and lovely on the inside.
Ingredients 2 portions:
4 fillets of plaice - DEFROSTED!
4-7 potatoes
Butter to fry in.
Flour to make a crispy outside - I used corn flour, but you're free to use whatever kind!
Salt and black pepper.
How to:
Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water.
When 10 minutes remain of the potatoes, begin with the fish:
Mix salt, pepper and flour together on a plate.
Cover each fillet of plaice in flour and fry in a good knob of butter on medium heat.
Fry until golden brown and crispy on both sides.
Make the mash.
Serve with a remoulad sauce, a crispy salad or just a few slices of fresh lemon.
Oven-baked cod in foil // Ugnsbakad torsk i foliepaket

Good afternoon! How are you today? It's been a slow day so far in my cosiest of clothes. Turning the day around after a night shift messes with my head so I've just attended the washing and done some cooking. My friend Nana often cooks fish in the oven in foil and I've never made an attempt. Called her earlier to get some tips and the result was so nice. You should give it a try!
Ingredients 2 portions:
2 fillets of cod - defrosted!
1 tomato
2 handfulls of haricoverts (green beans)
6 cm leek
1 dl creme fraiché
A squeeze of lemon juice
Salt, black pepper, lemon pepper and cayenne pepper
This will taste good with mash, rice, any cooked vegetables or a nice crispy salad.
How to:
Grab a sheet of foil.
Put a handfull of haricoverts in the middle.
Lay your fish on top.
Mix your creme fraiché, lemon juice and spices (taste as you go!) in a seperate bowl.
Pour the mixture over the fillets.
Slice your leek thinly and sprinkle over the fish.
Slice your tomatoes and lay on top of the leek.
Pull all the sides of the foil together into a little packet.
Put on a tray and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until the fish is white.
Eat straight away!
God eftermiddag! Hur mår ni idag? Det har varit en seg dag hittills i mina mysigaste kläder. Att vända dygnet efter ett nattpass gör mig seg i kolan så jag har bara tvättat och lagat lite mat. Min vän Nana lagar ofta fisk i foliepaket i ugnen och jag har aldrig testat det. Ringde henne innan för att få lite tips och resultatet var så gott. Ni borde testa!
Ingredienser 2 portioner:
2 torskfiléer - tinade!
1 tomat
2 nävar haricoverts
6cm purjolök
1 dl creme fraiche
En skvätt citronsaft
Salt, svartpeppar, citronpeppar och cayennepeppar
Det här smakar gott med mos, ris, kokta grönsaker eller en krispig sallad.
How to:
Riv av två stora bitar folie.
Lägg haricovertsen i mitten av folien.
Lägg fisken uppe på bönorna.
Blanda cremé fraiche, citronsaft och kryddor (smaka av!).
Häll blandning över filéerna.
Skiva purjolöken fint och fördela över fisken.
Skiva tomaterna och lägg på purjolöken.
Dra ihop sidorna av folien till ett litet paket.
Lägg på en bakplåt och laga i ugnen i 20-30 minuter tills fisken är vit.
Servera direkt!
A family West Indian Fish recipe // Ett familjerecept på Västindisk fisk

I've got two slightly different recipes written down for West Indian Fish - mum's and nan's. I love both so I took tips from both of them. I've never tried making this on my own but I've been longing for some cod for so long so it seemed like the perfect deal! Do you eat enough fish during the week? I believe many of us are quite bad at it. Try this out, it only takes 30-40 minutes!
3 fillets of cod
1,5 yellow onions
2 large carrots
3 cloves of garlic
2 medium tomatoes
0,5 can of crushed tomatoes
2 dl boiling water
Thyme, salt and black pepper
Rice or mashed potatoes
Cabbage is nice with this!
How to:
Slice your onions and tomatoes and put in a mixing bowl.
Put your fish in too and season the lot with salt and black pepper.
Let marinate for 5-10 minutes.
Slice your carrots.
Heat up a large frying pan with some oil.
Put on your rice/potatoes.
Fry the fish on both sides until flakey.
Add the marinade ingredients and your carrots.
Add the crushed tomatoes and boiling water.
Season with thyme.
Bring up to boil and then turn down to simmer for 20 minutes.
If you want cabbage with this - slice in 1cm thick slices and put on top of the contents of your pan and let steam cook for the 20 minutes.
Serve with rice/potatoes and other vegetables if you wish.
3 torskfiléer
1,5 gul lök
3 vitlöksklyftor
2 mellanstora tomater
0,5 burk krossade tomater
2 dl kokande vatten
2 stora morötter
Salt, peppar och timjan
Ris eller potatis
Vitkål är även väldigt gott till detta!
How to:
Skiva löken och tomaterna och lägg i en stor skål.
Lägg i fisken och krydda alltsammans med salt och peppar.
Krossa även i vitlöken.
Låt stå i 5-10 minuter.
Skär dina morötter i bitar.
Värm olja i en stor stekpanna.
Stek fisken fläkig på båda sidor och lägg sedan i marinadingredienserna och morötterna.
Häll i de krossade tomaterna och vattnet.
Krydda med timjan.
Låt koka upp och vrid sedan ner och låt puttra i 20 minuter. Vill du ha vitkål till - skär i 1cm tjocka skivor och lägg uppe på fisken och låt ångkokas.
Servera med ris/potatis och andra grönsaker om så önskas.
Salmon and shrimp pasta

Hey peeps! I was so tired yesterday evening after a bit of partying with the best workmates in the world on Thursday. My dear colleague, Emma, came round to eat and watch films with me. She brought her little dog and after a stroll in the park we just monged out in the sofa.
2-4 fillets of salmon - defrost them!
200-300g shrimps
1 yellow onion
2 mushrooms
2-4 dl creme fraiché
Lemon pepper and salt
1 bag of baby spinach
Cherry tomatoes
Parmesan or other tasty cheese for garnish
Oil to fry in
How to:
Chop the onion finely and your mushrooms into the size you wish.
Fry in some oil.
Cut your salmon into cubes and fry in oil on medium heat in a different pan;
brown on both sides and season with lemon pepper and salt.
Then add to your pan with onion and mushrooms.
At the same time - cook your spaghetti or other pasta.
Stir your creme fraiché into you salmon, mushrooms and onion.
Season with more lemon pepper and salt and taste!
Add your shrimps and baby spinach.
Cook for another 5-10 minutes.
Serve with pasta and halved cherry tomatoes on top with some parmesan grated over the lot.
Enjoy this super easy meal!
Breaded cod with remoulade sauce

Hey dudes and dudettes! I've had problems with my Internet all afternoon but it seems like it's up and running properly again. I've had an 'adult' day today, food shopping, cleaning and washing. To go with that I've obviously cooked, haha. One of my favourite ways to eat fish is when it's breaded and fried. Served with this, remoulade sauce is perfect.
Ingredients (4 portions):
Breaded cod:
4 fillets of cod
1 large pinch of salt
1 large pinch of pepper
1,5 dl breadcrumbs
1,5 dl flour
1 egg
Remoulade sauce:
2 dl mayonaise
1 dl creme fraiché, youghurt or sour cream
1,5 tsp curry OR dijon mustard (I used curry)
3 tblsp chopped gurkins
Salt and cayenne pepper
How to:
Breaded cod:
If you are using frozen fish, let it defrost completely first.
Heat your pan up to medium heat.
Mix your breadcrumbs with the salt and pepper.
Flour both sides of your fillets.
Dip them in egg.
Bread the fillets completely.
Fry in butter until golden and crispy.
Remoulade sauce:
Mix all of your ingredients together in a bowl and stand in the fridge whilst you prepare the rest of your food.
Serve the fish with a crispy green salad, boiled potatoes or mash and your remoulade sauce.
Lemon seasoned fried salmon with couscous

I've been craving salmon for ages and just haven't had the energy to cook it although it's the easiest thing ever to cook. I tried something new tonight - frying and not baking it in the oven and it was a success!
Ingredients (2 portions):
2 pieces of salmon
1 yellow onion
Salt, lemon pepper
Juice from 1 small lemon (preferably fresh)
2 pieces of salmon
1 yellow onion
Salt, lemon pepper
Juice from 1 small lemon (preferably fresh)
Couscous (mine is cooked: 2dl couscous into 2dl boiling water + 1 vegetable stock cube + salt - take off heat and let stand until done).
Any salad you wish to go with it.
How to:
Heat pan up on over medium high heat.
Heat pan up on over medium high heat.
Melt butter and add onions.
Add your fish and season with salt and lemon pepper, squeeze lemon juice over the fillets.
After approx. 4 minuter, turn them over and season the same way.
Fry for another 4-5 minutes and take off the heat.
Don't fry your salmon too long or it will become very dry.
Serve with your couscous and salad immediatley!
Thai fish cakes
So, here it goes. My absolute favourite food in the world. A good few years ago my aunt found this recipe and showed it to my mum. I used to hate it and refused to eat it for ages. I tried it one night and have been hooked since. This food includes planning and preperation but all in all, it's pretty simple!
Ingredients (1-2 people):
450g Alaska pollock (in blocks)
2 tblsp fish sauce
2 chilis (I buy mine from a local Chinese shop that sell genuine ingredients. They're HOT and very small)
2 cloves of garlic
10 lime leaves (1 leaf is like the picture below)
1,5dl cilantro coriander (preferably from a shop that sell the cilantro kind because it has more taste than the one from e.g. ICA)
100g green beans/haricot verts
1-2 eggs depending on size
25g flour (you may need more)
Oil to cook in (Approx. 2cm deep in a pan)
Sweet chili sauce to serve with.
(Just double, triple (and so on) the recipe to cook for more people;
for the best result, make the mixture the day before and keep in the fridge so the flavours come together).
How to:
Number 1: Take you fish out and let it defrost.
Number 2: If your haricot verts are frozen, take them out to defrost too.
I keep my lime leaves in the freezer. Take out 10 and cut out the stalk out like the picture shows.
When you've done that, chop the leaves finely (otherwise they're a bit chewy).
Put into a bowl.

I keep my chilis in the freezer too. Take out two and if you have plastic gloves, use them, they really are hot.
De-seed them and chop as finely as you can and add to your lime leaves.

When your haricot verts have defrosted, squeeze out all of the water and chop into smal pieces.
Add to your chili and lime leaves.

Chop your coriander finely and add to the ingredients above.
Crush your garlic into the bowl too, and mix around.
When your fish has defrosted, squeeze out all of the water.
You can either use a food processer to mix everything together but I prefer to pull the fish into smaller pieces to make it meatier.
Put your fish in a big bowl or saucepan and add your green mixture, your fish sauce, the eggs and mix together with your hands.
Add the flour as you go.
You want the mixture to be sticky enough to make small cakes, like the picture below.

Heat about 2cm of oil in a pan (9/9 on my stove); to check when the oil is hot enough, drop a piece of bread in the oil and when it floats up sizzling - get frying!
Put your fish cakes in the oil and fry until golden and cripsy on both sides.
Let them drip off on some kitchen paper and serve straight away with sweet chili sauce.
Ingredients (1-2 people):
450g Alaska pollock (in blocks)
2 tblsp fish sauce
2 chilis (I buy mine from a local Chinese shop that sell genuine ingredients. They're HOT and very small)
2 cloves of garlic
10 lime leaves (1 leaf is like the picture below)
1,5dl cilantro coriander (preferably from a shop that sell the cilantro kind because it has more taste than the one from e.g. ICA)
100g green beans/haricot verts
1-2 eggs depending on size
25g flour (you may need more)
Oil to cook in (Approx. 2cm deep in a pan)
Sweet chili sauce to serve with.
(Just double, triple (and so on) the recipe to cook for more people;
for the best result, make the mixture the day before and keep in the fridge so the flavours come together).
How to:
Number 1: Take you fish out and let it defrost.
Number 2: If your haricot verts are frozen, take them out to defrost too.
I keep my lime leaves in the freezer. Take out 10 and cut out the stalk out like the picture shows.
When you've done that, chop the leaves finely (otherwise they're a bit chewy).
Put into a bowl.

I keep my chilis in the freezer too. Take out two and if you have plastic gloves, use them, they really are hot.
De-seed them and chop as finely as you can and add to your lime leaves.

When your haricot verts have defrosted, squeeze out all of the water and chop into smal pieces.
Add to your chili and lime leaves.

Chop your coriander finely and add to the ingredients above.
Crush your garlic into the bowl too, and mix around.
When your fish has defrosted, squeeze out all of the water.
You can either use a food processer to mix everything together but I prefer to pull the fish into smaller pieces to make it meatier.
Put your fish in a big bowl or saucepan and add your green mixture, your fish sauce, the eggs and mix together with your hands.
Add the flour as you go.
You want the mixture to be sticky enough to make small cakes, like the picture below.

Heat about 2cm of oil in a pan (9/9 on my stove); to check when the oil is hot enough, drop a piece of bread in the oil and when it floats up sizzling - get frying!
Put your fish cakes in the oil and fry until golden and cripsy on both sides.
Let them drip off on some kitchen paper and serve straight away with sweet chili sauce.

Fish soup Sunday dinner

I invited mum and my little sister round last Sunday for lunch. My dear friend Nana gave me a recipe for a fish soup last autumn and it's become a favourite. Together with the youghurt bread I've baked before it turned out quite a feast.
Ingredients for le soup:
1 leek
1 leek
4-5 carrots
8dl water
2 cubes of fish stock
1 tub of Creme Bonjour cheese (Garlic)
0,5-1dl creme
5-7 pieces of cod (Alaska pollock pieces work great)
4dl shrimps (peeled)
Lemon pepper and cayenne pepper
How to:
Chop your leek finely. Peel your carrots and grate them roughly. Put in a saucepan with the water and let boil for 25 minutes.
Add the fish stock cubes and the fish after 25 minuter and boil for another 10 minutes.
Add your Creme Bonjour and creme after your own liking and turn down heat to simmer.
Season with lemon pepper and cayenne pepper, taste!
Add your shrimps right at the end to warm through.
Serve straight away with a nice full-grain bread and cheese.
Lemon and black pepper salmon accompanied by a summery potato salad

How good does this look, huh? About as good as it tasted! It's dead simple too.
Ingredients for your salmon:
5 pieces of salmon - I let mine defrost so they only took 10-13 minutes in the oven. If they are frozen it'll take a little longer.
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
Black pepper and salt
5-8 cherry tomatoes
Olive oil for cooking
Ingredients for your potato salad:
It's hard to say how many potatoes as I used new potatoes (färskpotatis) - judge by the size of them and how many you're cooking for.
1 red onion
5-8 mushrooms
2 spring onions or 1/2 a leek
1 bunch of dill
A knob of butter
"Gräddfil" - a kind of thickish creme fraiche. Natural youghurt works too!
How to:
Scrub your potatoes so the muck comes off but leave the skin on.
Boil them with a large pinch of salt.
Meanwhile, put your oven on 225°C and prepare your salmon;
put your fillets of fish in an oven proof dish and season with pepper, a pinch of salt and a big squeeze of lemon all over.
Half your tomatoes and spread over the fish.
Drizzle some good quality olive oil over the lot too.
When the potatoes have 10 minutes left put your fish in the oven (if it's defrosted. Otherwise put it in with about 20 minutes to go depending on size.)
Pour off the water when the potatoes are done and let them cool off with a pinch of salt and a knob of butter.
Chop your onion finely and chop your mushrooms to the size you want.
Slice your spring onions or leek thinly.
Chop your dill finely too.
Half your potatoes, or leave them whole if they're small.
Mix your onions, dill, mushrooms and potatoes together and add a bit of creme fraiché if you want to.
Otherwise, drizzle a little olive oil over.
Serve straight away when your fish is done with your extras.
Salmon with asparagus wrapped in bacon

This is a fresh and quick meal to cook if you don't feel like anything heavy. Ususally I use fetacheese on top of the salmon but we didn't have any and it tasted nice anyway.
Salmon - as many pieces per person as you wish.
Asparagus - as many per person as you wish (I ate five).
Bacon to wrap around your asparagus.
Tomatoes - cherry tomatoes if you want it a little sweeter.
Lemon and olive oil or a high quality lemon oil.
Fetacheese to cover your salmon in.
Butter for frying.
Put your oven on 225°C.
Lay your salmon in an oven proof dish and slice your tomatoes and put in.
Cover your salmon in fetacheese.
Drizzle your lemon and oil /lemon oil over the contents.
Put your dish in the oven for approximately 40 minutes if your salmon is frozen and approximately 15 minutes if it's fresh.
Cut off the ends of your asparagus and wrap them in bacon.
When you have 5 minutes left before your salmon is done, fry your asparagus in butter and season with a little black pepper.
Serve straight away!
Thai Fishcakes

This might be my favourite food in the world. Thai fishcakes! These are old pictures and I'm hoping I have time to make another round soon and I'll put up the recipe with a few how-to-make-them pictures to go along with it. After you've made them into 'cakes' like the pictures show, you "deep fry" them in oil in a normal frying pan and serve them as they are with sweet chili sauce. SO GOOD!
West Indian fish recipe
Yesterday's cod with a taste of thyme is in fact a dish we usually call West Indian fish. The cooking that goes on in our home is influenced by our background. There is foremost a mixture of Swedish, English, West Indian, Jamaican and Chinese influences. My sister and I love the Swedish sandwhich culture and potatoes meanwhile our mother prefers rice and everything that is hot.
West Indian fish:
2 medium yellow onions
2-3 medium sized carrots
3-4 slices of cabbage
3 cloves of garlic
3 fresh tomatoes or up to 1 tin of whole tomatoes
1 fillet of cod (more or less) per person; we most often use frozen fish and this recipe is written after that. If you use fresh fillets, lay them on top of everything in the frying pan until cooked through.
Thyme, salt and black pepper
Heat up your medium sized frying pan with oil.
Fry your fish, chopped onion and sliced carrots.
Cover the contents of the pan in thyme, add salt and black pepper.
Crush your garlic and add it to the pan.
Fry the fish until it looks like it's ready to flake on both sides.
Add your chopped tomatoes and bring up to the boil.
If you want more sauce - add water after your liking, taste and add spices if needed.
Turn down to simmer for 20 minutes.
Lay your cabbage on top and cook through.
Serve with either mashed potatoes or rice!