Vacker lax -och broccolifylld filodegspaj // Beautiful filo dough pie with salmon and broccoli filling

Det var flera år sedan jag hittade det här pajreceptet och jag kommer ihåg att jag tänkte: "Det där kommer jag aldrig kunna åstadkomma.". Är glad att jag hade fel, haha. Receptet kommer är från början ett av Jamie Olivers men den här tjejen gjorde sin egen version som jag blev inspirerad av. Jag har ändrat på det ytterligare lite. Kom även på att jag kunde ställa in fokusen manuellt så förhoppningsvis kommer bilderna bli lite bättre än tidigare. Blev så glad över att pajen var så himla vacker när den kom ur ugnen, ville bara äta upp allt på momangen!
3-4 ark filodeg á 48x25,5cm - andra mått fungerar med, men dessa använde jag!
2 laxfiléer - tinad!
2/3 av ett broccolihuvud
2 ägg
3 skedar kvarg
70g ricottaost - fetaost fungerar också!
Salt, svartpeppar, citronpeppar, timjan och paprikapulver.
Olivolja att pensla på filodegen.
How to:
Sätt ugnen på 200°C.
Skär broccolin i små 'träd' och koka upp i saltat vatten i 8 minuter.
Häll av vattnet och stek i olja tillsammans med laxen som du skurit i bitar.
Krydda med salt och citronpeppar.
När laxen fått färg, ställ åt sidan.
Blanda äggen, kvargen, osten och krydda med salt, peppar, citronpeppar och timjan.
Häll i laxen och broccolin i äggröran.
Sätt på spisplattan på hög värme (9/9 på min).

Ta fram din filodeg och rulle försiktigt ut arken platt på en plan yta.
NOTERA: De ark som blir över rullar du ihop direkt och förvarar förslutet annars torkar de och går sönder.
Ta fram stekpannan du ska använda.
Riv av ett bakplåtspapper lite större än stekpannan och blöt ner och skrynkla ihop innan du lägger det i stekpannan.
Pensla degen med olivolja och krydda med paprikapulver.
Lägg sedan det på bakplåtspappret i stekpannan med den överflödiga degen hängandes över sidorna.
Upprepa på alla degark men lägg i dem så att degöverflödet hänger runt hela stekpannan.
Fyll sedan stekpannan med laxröran.
Vik över deg överflödet, en bit i taget, gärna lite slarvigt men så att det täcker röran.
Ställ sedan pannan på plattan i 2-3 minuter, krydda med paprikapulver och timjan innan du ställer in alltihopa i ugnen.
Är din stekpanna inte ugnssäker, för försiktigt över bakplåtspappret till en ugnsform.
Laga i ugnen i 15-20 minuter tills ytan fått en fin färg.
Ät direkt.
I found this recipe years ago but I remember thinking: "I will never be able to accomplish that."I. I'm happy I was wrong, haha. The recipe is Jamie Oliver's from the beginnig but this girl made her own version that inspired me. I've made my own changes too. I noticed at the same time as cooking this that I could ajust the focus on my camera manually so hopefully the pictures will be better from now on. I was so happy when the pie came out of the oven that it was so gorgeous!
3-4 pieces of filo dough á 48x25,5 cm - this is what I used but other measurments will work just fine!
3-4 pieces of filo dough á 48x25,5 cm - this is what I used but other measurments will work just fine!
2 fillets of salmon - defrosted!
2/3 of a broccoli
2 eggs
3 spoons of quark or thick yoghurt
70g ricotta cheese - feta cheese will work lovely too!
Salt, black pepper, lemon pepper, thyme and paprika powder.
Olive oil to brush on the filo dough.
How to:
Put your oven on 200°C.
Put your oven on 200°C.
Cut off the 'trees' on the broccoli and boil in salted water for 8 minutes.
Pour off the water and fry the broccoli in oil with the lax that you've cut into pieces.
Season with salt and lemon pepper.
When the salmon has a nice colour, set aside.
Mix the eggs, quark/youghurt, cheese and season with salt, pepper, lemon pepper and thyme.
Add the salmon and broccoli to the egg mixture.
Put your stove on high heat (9/9 on mine).
Take out your filo dough and carefully roll the pieces out on a flat surface.
NOTE: The pieces you aren't going to use need to be put in a bag straight away or they will dry out and break.
Get a small or medium sized frying pan.
Rip off a piece of oven proof paper and wet it and scrunch together to make it easy to use.
Cover your frying pan with it.
Brush your filo dough with olive oil and sprinkle with paprika powder.
Put the dough in the frying pan and let the excess dough hang over the sides.
Repeat with all the dough but let the dough hang around the entire pan.
Fill the pan with the salmon and egg mixture.
Fold the excess dough over the mixture, one piece at a time, a little bit messy but so it covers the mixture.
Put the pan on the stove for 2-3 minutes.
Season with paprika powder and thyme before you put the pan in the oven for approximately 20 minutes.
If your pan isn't oven proof - move the entire thing with oven proof paper and all to a oven proof dish instead.
Eat straight away.
A slice of pie

Oh my, it was delicious! I'll probably go beserk with pie making now I've tried the simple combination of egg-and-cream/milk-mixture. There are so many foods I've tried, eaten and loved but never cooked myself, even the easiest recipes! All the more to spend my time learning now, wohoo!
Chicken and broccoli pie

Hey peeps! Cooking lunch for tomorrow and trying something I've never made before. It's easy enough with a few different steps and it's a perfect lunch to eat either hot or cold with a nice crispy salad on the side. Ready for it?
4 dl plain flour
1 1/2 dl milk
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
50 g butter - room temperature!
2 chicken fillets
1 1/2 heads of broccoli
3 eggs
2 dl cream
1 dl milk
Salt and pepper
Oil to fry in
Cheese for garnish
How to:
Start by putting your oven on 200°C.
Mix your flour, salt and baking powder together.
Pinch your butter together with the flour mixture.
Add your butter and work into a dough.
Press into an oven proof dish and set aside.
Cut your broccoli into little chunks and boil lightly until almost soft; pour the water off and set aside.
Mix your eggs, milk and cream in a bowl with salt and pepper and set aside as well.
Fry your chicken in small pieces and season with salt and pepper.
Cover the bottom of your dish with your broccoli and chicken.
Pour the egg mixture over the lot.
Garnish with a load of grated cheese.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes - keep an eye on it so it doesn't go to brown, in that case cover with foil.
Let it rest for a few minutes before serving!
I'll show you a cut-out picture tomorrow when I eat this delicious thing for lunch tomorrow - I have to go now and don't have time to wait for it to set.
What's cooking?

I attempted a kind of McDonalds inspired apple pie tonight for a few dearly missed friends (inspired by Jenny of course). They didn't turn out very pretty, even a bit burned, but they tasted nice. The next time I attempt this I will succeed to the fullest, haha. I will also manage to take a few pictures of the result.
Taco pie

If there is anything that always works, it's any form of tacos. Taco pie is one of those things that makes any day brighter and any evening cosier. It's easy and it's okay that it looks like a mess on your plate everytime despite your hardest effort to cut out a piece, haha. My dear friend Julia and I went for a walk in the pouring rain, came back and ate just this and talked about life. A perfect evening!
500-600g mince (I always use beef)
1 packet of tacomix
1 yellow onion
1-2 red paprikas
6 hot feferonis or 10 mild/medium hot feferonis
400g creme fraiché
2 tomatoes
50g butter
4dl plain flour
2tblsp baking powder
1tsp salt
1,5dl milk
A strong cheese to use as garnish
How to:
Put your oven on 200-225°C.
Brown your mince. Follow the instructions on your tacomix packet and add to the mince.
Take off the heat when done.
Chop your onion and paprika and set aside.
Try your feferoni to see how hot they are, de-seed them if you need to and chop finely.
Chop your tomatoes and mix with the creme fraiché and feferoni.
Mix your flour, baking powder and salt together.
Pinch the butter and the above together until crumbly.
Add the milk and stir until doughy.
Cover your pie dish evenly with the dough (- even up on the sides)
1. Cover the bottom with the onion and paprika. Press into the dough.
2. Pour your mince over the paprika and onion.
3. Pour over your creme fraiche/tomato/feferoni mixture.
4. Grate your cheese on top and bake the pie for 25 minutes or unil crispy golden brown.
Serve straight away with a crispy salad!Pie