So much food!
Hej vänner! Känner att jag vill uppdatera här varje dag med något nytt och spännande men tyvärr håller inte det ekonomiskt för mig. Jag lagar alltid lite extra för att göra matlådor och gör sällan bara en portion. Jag borde tänka i banorna kvalité före kvantitet när det gäller inlägg. Funkar för det för er tros? Älskar faktiskt det här. Vågar mer och mer och trots att jag är lite rädd för att marknadsföra mig så är det så kul när jag ser i statistiken att det faktiskt finns några som kikar in här!
Jobbar nu hela helgen så det blir nog lugnt på matfronten men nästa vecka har jag några skojigheter att bjuda på.
Take care!
Kitchen details
One of the most important things about my flat is my kitchen. I was so worried I wasn't going to manage with only two rings and no oven. My aunty Lima gave me their little seperate oven with two rings on top for me to use - it's very appreciated! I am doing pretty well in my kitchen despite the small amount of work surface. It's all in the planning and being effective.
Recently my friends Martin and Sara gave me a moving in present - the tin spice cupboard and it's even more beautiful in real life. It's so welcoming to have an inspiring work area. On my fridge you can see my in-the-moment-scribble where I've written down new foods I want to try or cook again. My food inspiration.
I have one other thing in mind for my kitchen before it's completely decorated. You will see when it's done!
Taco pie
If there is anything that always works, it's any form of tacos. Taco pie is one of those things that makes any day brighter and any evening cosier. It's easy and it's okay that it looks like a mess on your plate everytime despite your hardest effort to cut out a piece, haha. My dear friend Julia and I went for a walk in the pouring rain, came back and ate just this and talked about life. A perfect evening!
500-600g mince (I always use beef)
1 packet of tacomix
1 yellow onion
1-2 red paprikas
6 hot feferonis or 10 mild/medium hot feferonis
400g creme fraiché
2 tomatoes
50g butter
4dl plain flour
2tblsp baking powder
1tsp salt
1,5dl milk
A strong cheese to use as garnish
How to:
Put your oven on 200-225°C.
Brown your mince. Follow the instructions on your tacomix packet and add to the mince.
Take off the heat when done.
Chop your onion and paprika and set aside.
Try your feferoni to see how hot they are, de-seed them if you need to and chop finely.
Chop your tomatoes and mix with the creme fraiché and feferoni.
Mix your flour, baking powder and salt together.
Pinch the butter and the above together until crumbly.
Add the milk and stir until doughy.
Cover your pie dish evenly with the dough (- even up on the sides)
1. Cover the bottom with the onion and paprika. Press into the dough.
2. Pour your mince over the paprika and onion.
3. Pour over your creme fraiche/tomato/feferoni mixture.
4. Grate your cheese on top and bake the pie for 25 minutes or unil crispy golden brown.
Serve straight away with a crispy salad!Pie
Potato and leek soup
I guess I've made it quite clear that I'm fond of soups. Here is yet another favourite in my books but it's the first time I've made my own. It's funny how I feel like I've cooked loads living with my mum and sister, but whilst living by myself I am trying something new nearly every day!
Ingredients (4 portions):
5-6 potatoes
1 leek
6 dl water
3,5 dl cream
White pepper
1 chicken or vegetable stock cube
Bacon for garnish
How to:
Peel and slice your potatoes finely. Slice your leek finely too.
Boil the above with the water and stock cube until soft.
Add your cream and boil for another 6 minutes.
Use a hand mixer, food processer or smoothie mixer to mix your soup smooth.
Pour back into your saucepan and season with salt and white pepper after your own liking.
Let stand on the lowest heat to heat through.
Fry your bacon finely chopped until extra crispy and spinkle on your soup when served.
I ate a few slices of corn bread with cheese with this and had a nice touch.
Enjoy, darlings!
Corn bread
OVER THE MOON with this. I am a big fan of Jamie Oliver. Besides my family, he is my biggest inspiration in the kitchen. I've watched the episodes of him in America cooking away in different parts of the country. One of my favourite foods from the programme is a hot chili with corn bread. I decided to try this type of bread with my soup that I made tonight. It has a quite anonymous taste because it's usually served with a dominating main meal. I can imagine it being very nice as breakfast bread with a spread of butter and a strong cheese.
Ingredients (1 loaf):
2 dl plain flour
2 dl corn meal (Polenta)
2 tbsp sugar
0,5 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 dl milk
2 eggs
How to:
Mix your dry ingredients in a bowl.
Whisk your milk and eggs fluffy together in a seperate bowl.
Fold your wet ingredients into your dry ones carefully - don't over-work your mixture.
Butter a bread tin and line it with breadcrumbs.
Pour your mixture into it and bake in your oven on 200°C for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.
Den som väntar på något gott...
Jag önskar att jag hade koll på vart man kan hitta svamp i skogen. Tänk att ha ett sådan guldställe där det finns hur mycket kantareller som helst. Jag skulle befinna mig i himmelriket! Blev så himla glad innan när mor min ringde och berättade att hennes kollega ville ge mig ett jäkla lass trattkantareller. Har lite planer på vad jag ska göra redan och längtar ihjäl mig. Som sagt, den som väntar på något gott...
Ikväll tillagar jag en soppa, för första gången även den här gången. Funderar på om jag ska testa ett bröd till också!
Apple and cranberry bread
I've got to say, this is a favourite recipe that can be changed in so many ways that it makes it so fun to bake. I am always inspired by Jenny who posts wonderful recipes, this is yet another one of hers. Hardly any effort is needed but a little more time in the oven. It's apple season and with the cranberries it gives a sweet and juicy touch to this dark bread.
100g apples
75g cranberries (dried)
2dl rye flour
2,5dl sifted rye flour
3/4dl lineseeds
1,5dl spelt flakes
3,5dl fil/runny youghurt
2tblsp honey
1tsp bikarbonat
How to:
Heat your oven to 175°C
Dice your apples and mix in a bowl with the cranberries, fil/youghurt and honey.
Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until all the ingredients are a sticky mixture.
Dress a baking bread baking tin in baking paper.
Pour your mixture in your baking tin.
Sprinkle some spelt flakes on top.
Bake for 75 minutes, after about half the time check the colour and cover in tin foil to not burn the top.
When the bread is done, let it rest for atleast 30 minutes in a towel, otherwise it's too sticky.
Enjoy it still warm with butter and cheese.
Potato gratin
What would life be without potatoes? I did live without it for 60 days and it was boring. I am such a sucker for potatoes in all forms. Tonight I accomplished making my very first French style potato gratin and it was so easy. All you need is a few hours, and it's a perfect thing to cook at the same time as you're pottering round your home.
Ingredients (~4 port.):
8 large potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
4dl cream
Salt, white peppar and tarragon
Butter to butter your dish
Cheese to go on top - preferably a strong one. I used parmesan.
How to:
Put your oven on 175°C.
Butter your dish.
Crush your garlic into your cream.
Add a large pinch of salt and add white pepper and tarragon after your own liking.
Peel your potatoes and slice them into ~3mm thick slices.
Put your slices flat into the dish and pour some of your cream mixture inbetween the layers as you go.
Stand the whole shebang in the middle of your oven for atleast 90 minutes.
Keep check of the colour towards the end.
When you have approximately 10 minutes to go, grate some cheese on top.
I ate mine with fried chicken and salad.
Korv stroganoff
Köksljuset ger ännu en gång inte maten rättvisa. Har testat på korv stroganoff för första gången. Anledningen till att det inte är upplagt fint på tallrik med ris och sallad är för att det lagades en annan maträtt samtidigt som jag hellre ville äta, hehe. Det är i alla fall hur smidigt som helst och smakar inte som den där stroganoffen man fick i skolan förr.
400g falukorv
1 stor gul lök (eller gullök?)
2dl grädde
2dl creme fraiché
3 msk mjölk
2-3msk tomatpuré
Salt och peppar
Hur du gör:
Strimla falukorven och hacka löken fint - bryn till önskad färg.
Häll i grädde, mjölk, creme fraiché och tomatpuré och låt koka upp.
Sänk värmen och krydda med salt och peppar.
Sjud i 10 minuter.
Servera med ris och grönsallad!
First timer!
When the battery to my camera dies you'll have to put up with pictures from my iPhone, haha. At the moment I'm making my first potato gratin, French style.
Ska flänga runt idag men när jag kommer hem ska det lagas mat för fulla muggar. Både falukorv och kyckling ska tillagas. Ska nog även baka ett bröd! Stay tuned!
Scones, my dears!
I invited my dear friend Elin round for tea this evening. Seeing as another lovely friend, Nana, gave me her scones recipe, I had to try it on someone. Lucky they tasted amazing!
Ingredients (~6 scones):
6dl plain flour
2dl of any other flour or grain - I used 0,5dl linseed, a few shakes of chia seeds, 0,5dl spelt flour and 1dl sifted rye flour.
100g butter
1 tblsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
4dl milk (I used 2dl "fil" / runny youghurt and 2dl milk)
How to:
Mix all of your dry ingredients together.
Pinch the butter together with your dry mixture until all is mixed into a crumble.
Add your milk (and youghurt) and work the ingredients together into a very sticky dough.
Spoon the mixture on to baking sheets in the size you want.
Keep in mind that they rise both in height and width.
Bake in your oven in 250°C until golden brown.
Serve with jams, cheeses, ham, and anything else you may like.
And, with tea of course!
Jag ber om ursäkt för ännu en värdelös bild. Det är svårt med kökslampan...
På hösten älskar jag mys extra mycket. Tända ljus, te, en soffa och någon god soppa och helst några skivor nybakt bröd med ost på. Det tråkiga är ju att jag egentligen inte tål bröd då jag är allergisk mot alla sädesslag förutom havre. Hur som helst har jag haft en enkel grönsakssoppa i huvudet hela veckan men har inte riktigt haft tiden. Idag tog jag tag i det mot alla odds.
1-1,5l vatten
8 skivor fläsk (eller något annan salt köttbit du har till övers)
4 stora potatisar
4 stora morötter
1 purjolök
Även kolrot fungerar bra här, dock hade jag ingen.
1 grönsaksbuljongtärning
1 köttbuljongtärning
Salt och svartpeppar
Hur du gör:
Det som är tidskrävande är första etappen - koka upp ditt kött i vattnet med köttbuljongtärningen och låt sedan puttra i 2-3 timmar.
Ta sedan ur köttet och ha i dina tärnade och skivade grönsaker.
Lägg i din grönsaksbuljongtärning och låt den lösas upp.
Smaka av och krydda med salt och peppar.
Låt puttra i ca 40 minuter.
Lägg i köttet igen och låt det värmas igenom.
Servera med något grovt bröd och ost, och njut av höstmyset i en extra stor stickad tröja i soffan.
Shepherds Pie
Rubbish quality because of the poor light at 8.30pm.
Good evening peeps! Made this delicious meal earlier using my lovely mother's recipe. This is English food for you and even though it might not look very appetizing to some, it does taste amazing.
300g mince
2 yellow onions
2-3 carrots
2 tomtoes
1 big pinch of salt
1 big pinch of black pepper
2 tablespoons of Maizena
2 tablespoons (the ones you use to eat with) of Bisto gravy powder
6-8 potatoes
Butter and milk
1dl grated strong cheese
How to:
Peel and boil your potatoes in a good pinch of salt.
Brown your mince with your chopped onion.
Season with salt and pepper.
Add your chopped tomatoes.
Add your sliced carrots.
Add water so it just covers the contents of the pan and let simmer for 8 minutes.
Mix the bisto and maizena together in a bowl, add a splash of water and mix until smooth.
Add another cup of water and mix till even.
Take your pan off the heat and stir the bisto mixture into your mince. Keep stiring so there are no clumps in there.
Bring to the boil again and then turn down to simmer for another 8 minutes.
Taste (!) and add water if you want more gravy.
Mash your potatoes with butter and milk and a tad of salt.
Mix your mash with the cheese.
Use a casserole dish and pour your mince into the bottom.
Cover it with the mash - be careful to not press down to much on the mince as it will pour over the sides.
Bake in the oven for 20-25 minuter in 200-225°C.
Serve with boiled/steamed vegetables like broccoli, carrots, peas, brussel sprouts and beans.
A family recipe coming up!
Stay tuned for an easy recipe that I'd like to say is the English equivalent to a normal Swedish meal (husmanskost). Just going to snap a few shots and dig in first!
Perfect snack
If you're peckish and don't want to eat anything too unhealthy, try this: fry apple in cinnamon and sugar and a little bit of butter and have it on your youghurt. YUMMIE!
Apple crumble
Right, so I rarely bake but reading my usual food blogs I have been overwhelmed by everyones' tasty apple pie/crumble and cake recipes. I've been dying for some ALL day. I bought some nice crispy apples from the shop and also bought myself a new pie dish to make one in. I can tell you - this is one easy recipe!
4 apples
3 tblsp cinnamon
3dl flour
0,5dl sugar
0,5dl oats och spelt flakes (havregryn eller dinkelflingor)
2 tblsp syrup
125g butter
How to:
Heat your oven to 200-225°C.
Heat your oven to 200-225°C.
Mix your flour, oats/spelt flakes and sugar in a medium sized bowl.
Dice your butter and pinch together with your flour mixture until crumbley.
Add your syrup and mix in.
De-core your apples and either dice or slice the way you want them.
Put them in a freezer bag and pour in your cinnamon and shake about until the apples are evenly covered.
Butter your pie dish and add your apples.
Add more cinnamon if you wish and sprinkle a little sugar over too.
Cover your apples with the crumble mixture.
Bake in your oven for 20 minuter or until golden brown.
Serve with ice cream, cream, custard or marsán sauce.
Lemon seasoned fried salmon with couscous
I've been craving salmon for ages and just haven't had the energy to cook it although it's the easiest thing ever to cook. I tried something new tonight - frying and not baking it in the oven and it was a success!
Ingredients (2 portions):
2 pieces of salmon
1 yellow onion
Salt, lemon pepper
Juice from 1 small lemon (preferably fresh)
2 pieces of salmon
1 yellow onion
Salt, lemon pepper
Juice from 1 small lemon (preferably fresh)
Couscous (mine is cooked: 2dl couscous into 2dl boiling water + 1 vegetable stock cube + salt - take off heat and let stand until done).
Any salad you wish to go with it.
How to:
Heat pan up on over medium high heat.
Heat pan up on over medium high heat.
Melt butter and add onions.
Add your fish and season with salt and lemon pepper, squeeze lemon juice over the fillets.
After approx. 4 minuter, turn them over and season the same way.
Fry for another 4-5 minutes and take off the heat.
Don't fry your salmon too long or it will become very dry.
Serve with your couscous and salad immediatley!
Yesterday's Swedish meatball recipe
I've not quite mastered these Swedish meatballs. Mum is British and she makes some kick-ass ones. I usually have mustard in mine but I didn't have any at home yesterday so I had to do without.
450g mince (I only use beef)
1 yellow onion
3-4 tblsp bread crumbs
Salt, pepper
How to:
Grate your onion finely.
Mix with all the other ingredients.
Roll your meatballs.
Fry in butter on medium high heat (7/8-9 on mine) until golden brown.
Lovely with potatoes, on sandwiches, with macaroni or just as they are!
Yesterday's Swedish meatball recipe
I've not quite mastered these Swedish meatballs. Mum is British and she makes some kick-ass ones. I usually have mustard in mine but I didn't have any at home yesterday so I had to do without.
450g mince (I only use beef)
1 yellow onion
3-4 tblsp bread crumbs
Salt, pepper
How to:
Grate your onion finely.
Mix with all the other ingredients.
Roll your meatballs.
Fry in butter on medium high heat (7/8-9 on mine) until golden brown.
Lovely with potatoes, on sandwiches, with macaroni or just as they are!
Those Swedish meatballs
I've not quite mastered these Swedish meatballs. Mum is British and she makes some kick-ass ones. I usually have mustard in mine but I didn't have any at home yesterday so I had to do without.
Swedish meatballs
Recipe will be up tomorrow!
Thai fish cakes
So, here it goes. My absolute favourite food in the world. A good few years ago my aunt found this recipe and showed it to my mum. I used to hate it and refused to eat it for ages. I tried it one night and have been hooked since. This food includes planning and preperation but all in all, it's pretty simple!
Ingredients (1-2 people):
450g Alaska pollock (in blocks)
2 tblsp fish sauce
2 chilis (I buy mine from a local Chinese shop that sell genuine ingredients. They're HOT and very small)
2 cloves of garlic
10 lime leaves (1 leaf is like the picture below)
1,5dl cilantro coriander (preferably from a shop that sell the cilantro kind because it has more taste than the one from e.g. ICA)
100g green beans/haricot verts
1-2 eggs depending on size
25g flour (you may need more)
Oil to cook in (Approx. 2cm deep in a pan)
Sweet chili sauce to serve with.
(Just double, triple (and so on) the recipe to cook for more people;
for the best result, make the mixture the day before and keep in the fridge so the flavours come together).
How to:
Number 1: Take you fish out and let it defrost.
Number 2: If your haricot verts are frozen, take them out to defrost too.
I keep my lime leaves in the freezer. Take out 10 and cut out the stalk out like the picture shows.
When you've done that, chop the leaves finely (otherwise they're a bit chewy).
Put into a bowl.
I keep my chilis in the freezer too. Take out two and if you have plastic gloves, use them, they really are hot.
De-seed them and chop as finely as you can and add to your lime leaves.
When your haricot verts have defrosted, squeeze out all of the water and chop into smal pieces.
Add to your chili and lime leaves.
Chop your coriander finely and add to the ingredients above.
Crush your garlic into the bowl too, and mix around.
When your fish has defrosted, squeeze out all of the water.
You can either use a food processer to mix everything together but I prefer to pull the fish into smaller pieces to make it meatier.
Put your fish in a big bowl or saucepan and add your green mixture, your fish sauce, the eggs and mix together with your hands.
Add the flour as you go.
You want the mixture to be sticky enough to make small cakes, like the picture below.
Heat about 2cm of oil in a pan (9/9 on my stove); to check when the oil is hot enough, drop a piece of bread in the oil and when it floats up sizzling - get frying!
Put your fish cakes in the oil and fry until golden and cripsy on both sides.
Let them drip off on some kitchen paper and serve straight away with sweet chili sauce.
Ingredients (1-2 people):
450g Alaska pollock (in blocks)
2 tblsp fish sauce
2 chilis (I buy mine from a local Chinese shop that sell genuine ingredients. They're HOT and very small)
2 cloves of garlic
10 lime leaves (1 leaf is like the picture below)
1,5dl cilantro coriander (preferably from a shop that sell the cilantro kind because it has more taste than the one from e.g. ICA)
100g green beans/haricot verts
1-2 eggs depending on size
25g flour (you may need more)
Oil to cook in (Approx. 2cm deep in a pan)
Sweet chili sauce to serve with.
(Just double, triple (and so on) the recipe to cook for more people;
for the best result, make the mixture the day before and keep in the fridge so the flavours come together).
How to:
Number 1: Take you fish out and let it defrost.
Number 2: If your haricot verts are frozen, take them out to defrost too.
I keep my lime leaves in the freezer. Take out 10 and cut out the stalk out like the picture shows.
When you've done that, chop the leaves finely (otherwise they're a bit chewy).
Put into a bowl.
I keep my chilis in the freezer too. Take out two and if you have plastic gloves, use them, they really are hot.
De-seed them and chop as finely as you can and add to your lime leaves.
When your haricot verts have defrosted, squeeze out all of the water and chop into smal pieces.
Add to your chili and lime leaves.
Chop your coriander finely and add to the ingredients above.
Crush your garlic into the bowl too, and mix around.
When your fish has defrosted, squeeze out all of the water.
You can either use a food processer to mix everything together but I prefer to pull the fish into smaller pieces to make it meatier.
Put your fish in a big bowl or saucepan and add your green mixture, your fish sauce, the eggs and mix together with your hands.
Add the flour as you go.
You want the mixture to be sticky enough to make small cakes, like the picture below.
Heat about 2cm of oil in a pan (9/9 on my stove); to check when the oil is hot enough, drop a piece of bread in the oil and when it floats up sizzling - get frying!
Put your fish cakes in the oil and fry until golden and cripsy on both sides.
Let them drip off on some kitchen paper and serve straight away with sweet chili sauce.
Master chef USA
At the moment I'm watching Master chef USA and am amazed by one of the contestants. Her name is Christine and she's blind. To quote Gordon Ramsey: "You cook like a frickin' angel every single time". Imagine that, huh? She probably has a more sensitive taste but when she had to cook, pick and make something out of a an alive - that's impressive.
To succeed you have to fail
Lunchen slutade i ett katastrofmisslyckande så då fick det bli knäckemackor med prickigkorv och ost. Inte fy skam det heller!
Tacosallad med guacamole
Efter ett träningspass är det alltid gott med ett rejält mål mat men när det är på kvällen föredrar jag något som inte är så tungt. Tacosallad är då perfekt! Gjorde min guacamole till med 1 avocado mosad med några skedar creme fraiché, en skvätt citronsaft, 1 vitlöksklyfta, och några nypor salladskrydda och örtsalt.
- / + = American pancakes
I knew I'd wake up with the same toothache I went to bed with so I'd made up my mind to cook a cracking breakfast. I made myself a mug of black coffee and whipped together these beauties. I barely need to chew them because they're so fluffy!
5dl flour (atleast half should be plain flour)
2-4 tsp baking powder depending on the altitude where you're cooking; I used 2.
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp sugar - I used half ordinary sugar and half vanilla sugar
2 eggs
3dl milk
4 tbsp butter
How to:
Mix your dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
Melt your butter.
Whisk your eggs in a seperate bowl.
Add your milk.
Add your melted butter and mix the all the wet ingredients together.
Pour into your flour mixture and use a fork to mix together.
Heat a pan on medium heat and fry your pancakes in butter.
About 1/2dl of mixture or the size of your liking.
When bubbles appear on the surface, turn them and fry till golden.
Siv vanilla sugar over your pancakes and serve with syrup, berries, ice cream, or whatever you prefer.
Cooking as a comfort, not comfort food
One of the best things I know is cooking after having a bad day. It's therapy to me. And it's comforting knowing that even if you've had a shit day where nothing has gone your way, when you come home and enter your kitchen a cup of tea is always a good idea. The fact that tacos, any kind of potatoes, a smoothie, brie and salami, spinach and bacon, a ceasar sallad or egg and kaviar are just heaven, it's nice to know that some things don't change.
English breakfast with hot sauce and dumplings
I have been craving mum's dumplings for weeks now and I only got round to making them this morning. They didn't turn out as well as hers shape-wise but they still tasted great. It's as simple as mixing flour, cold milk, a little bit of baking powder and a pinch of salt to a dough and frying them on "low-ish" heat in oil.
With this I had my favourite sides - baked beans with a few drops of hot pepper sauce, fried potatoes and HP sauce, and fried bacon and spinach. So, so good.
Ingredients for your dumplings:
2 cups of flour (I used 2-2,5dl)
2 cups of flour (I used 2-2,5dl)
1 cup of milk (1 dl)
2 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
How to:
Mix together with a fork as it's quite a sticky dough.
Add extra flour if you need to - it's not to be too sticky.
Roll into balls the sizes about 1,5x a golf ball.
Fry in oil on medium heat in a regular frying pan until brown all round.
(Mum, if I need to be corrected here, please comment how, haha.)
Serve straight away and half them and spread butter on like you would with any other bread.
I hate the pain growing wisdom teeth bring. I'd rather be less wise than endure this pain. Therefore I am eating Alvedon, Ipren and Paracetemol to keep me from crying like a little baby.
Så enkelt och så gott till kvällsmat häromdagen.Stekte kycklingen i lite olja och kryddade med salt, peppermix och lite paprikapulver. I salladen hade jag ruccola, bladspenat, fetaost, gurka, tomat, rödlök, avocado, jalapeño och oliver. Pressade lite citronsaft över det hela och avslutade med att ringla lite balsamico över. Så.jävla.gott.