Potato gratin

What would life be without potatoes? I did live without it for 60 days and it was boring. I am such a sucker for potatoes in all forms. Tonight I accomplished making my very first French style potato gratin and it was so easy. All you need is a few hours, and it's a perfect thing to cook at the same time as you're pottering round your home.
Ingredients (~4 port.):
8 large potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
4dl cream
Salt, white peppar and tarragon
Butter to butter your dish
Cheese to go on top - preferably a strong one. I used parmesan.
How to:
Put your oven on 175°C.
Butter your dish.
Crush your garlic into your cream.
Add a large pinch of salt and add white pepper and tarragon after your own liking.
Peel your potatoes and slice them into ~3mm thick slices.
Put your slices flat into the dish and pour some of your cream mixture inbetween the layers as you go.
Stand the whole shebang in the middle of your oven for atleast 90 minutes.
Keep check of the colour towards the end.
When you have approximately 10 minutes to go, grate some cheese on top.
I ate mine with fried chicken and salad.


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