
En variant med smörstekta champinjoner och stekt ägg toppat med cheddarost på glutenfritt linfröknäckebröd.
Äggtips: Jag steker ägget på ganska låg värme med lite olja och knäcker inte gulan. När den vita undersidan är fast vänder jag ägget med fortfarande hel gula så att den andra sidan av vitan blir fast men gulan fortfarande är lös. Perf.
En favorit i repris. Rostat glutenfritt bröd med creme cheese, avocado, fikon och crema de balsamico. Med svart kaffe. I soffan, i morgonrock, efter en sovmorgon.

Kul med fikon: frukostmackan

Jag älskar fikon. De är så himla himla fina att se på och passar till så många olika tillfällen med sin sötsyrliga smak. Just det där sötsyrliga som frukt ofta erbjuder är ju en perfekt kombination med en smakrik ost, oavsett om det är en mögelost eller en hederlig engelsk cheddar.
I morse i alla fall, ja, då gjorde jag de här ovan. Mamma var superfin och köpte en stor bit ambrosia (en lite starkare hårdost) när jag flyttade hem och jag har den till det mesta nu.
Du behöver;
brödskivor - i mitt fall är de glutenfria
cream cheese
en avocado
nåra slices smakrik ost - i mitt fall ambrosian
ett fikon
crema de balsamico
Sen gör du som följande;
sätt ugnen på 200°C grill
bred ut cream cheese på brödskivorna
kärna ur avocadon och mosa sedan på cream cheese-skivorna
lägg på ost
skär fikona (OBS! Du kan äta skalet!!) i så stora bitar du vill ha
ställ in i ugnen och grilla tills osten smält
kör sedan på lite crema de balsamico och ät på momangen!

Porridge and an oopsie

This breakfast with this playlist in the background.
Porridge with apples fried in a little bit of sugar and cinnamon. An oopsie with strong cheese and red onion. A cup of tea. What more could I ask for? "Yum yum, pigs bum", like my Nan always says!

Big breakfast // Stor frukost

I can never decide what meal of the day is my favourite. It varies. Or, all meals of the day are good. I do cherish a long and big breakfast though. I've missed eating egg sandwiches and eggs on hard bread, so thanks to the seedy hard bread I made yesterday I could dampen my cravings. For my international readers, the stuff on top of the eggs is a Swedish kaviar - I dare you to try it if you come across it! A bowl of porridge with healthy chia seeds, cinnamon and a sprinkle of sugar and a cup of tea to go with it. Yum!
Jag kan aldrig bestämma mig för vilken som är mitt favoritmål på dagen. Det varierar. Eller så är alla måltider bra. Jag älskar stora och långa frukostar dock. Jag har saknat äggmackor och ägg på knäckebröd men nu räddar fröknäcket mig! En skål gröt med nyttiga chiafrön, kanel och lite socker och en stark kopp te till det. Mums!

After work breakfast

Hard bread with fried egg, fried onion, bacon, avocado and tomato. SO GOOD!

Porridge with cinnamon fried apples

I'm trying to cut out all kinds of bread as I am allergic to wheat and rye and it hurts my tummy to eat it. I can eat oatmeal and cornmeal but it's difficult to bake bread from them. So, to not get bored of just eating quark (kvarg), other youghurt types, eggs and fry-ups, I'm giving the good old porridge a go again. A few years ago I cut out all my carbs and it didn't do me any good in the long run, but it's not good to eat too much of them either. So, by eating porridge for breakfast I will try to cut down on carbs during other meals.
Sorry about the essay!
Top your porridge with different kinds of fruit, nuts, berries or just plain ol' cinnamon and a tad of sugar and you're ready to go!

I <3 breakfast

Leftovers for breakfast is amazing. Boiled potatoes from yesterday fried with a few rashes of bacon, a large portabello mushroom, some on-its-way-out-spinach and two fried eggs. With a few glasses of milk I'm sorted after my nightshift. I'm off to bed now and when I wake up I'll show you what I cooked yesterday. Stay tuned!

Yesterday's breakky to sort my sore throat out


Breakfast time is the prime meal of the day. If I start of with a rubbish breakfast where I'm stressed or don't have enough to eat, it'll ruin my first half of the day for sure. Today and tomorrow I am off work as usual after my weekend madness. I've just finished off some youghurt (fil) with honey and almonds. With that, two slices of my cranberry&apple bread with banana; sadly the bread fell apart when I toasted it, haha. And, there's nothing like a cup of tea in the morning.


English breakfast with hot sauce and dumplings

I have been craving mum's dumplings for weeks now and I only got round to making them this morning. They didn't turn out as well as hers shape-wise but they still tasted great. It's as simple as mixing flour, cold milk, a little bit of baking powder and a pinch of salt to a dough and frying them on "low-ish" heat in oil. 
With this I had my favourite sides - baked beans with a few drops of hot pepper sauce, fried potatoes and HP sauce, and fried bacon and spinach. So, so good.
Ingredients for your dumplings:
2 cups of flour (I used 2-2,5dl)
1 cup of milk (1 dl)
2 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
How to:
Mix together with a fork as it's quite a sticky dough.
Add extra flour if you need to - it's not to be too sticky.
Roll into balls the sizes about 1,5x a golf ball.
Fry in oil on medium heat in a regular frying pan until brown all round.
(Mum, if I need to be corrected here, please comment how, haha.)
Serve straight away and half them and spread butter on like you would with any other bread.
I hate the pain growing wisdom teeth bring. I'd rather be less wise than endure this pain. Therefore I am eating Alvedon, Ipren and Paracetemol to keep me from crying like a little baby.

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