English breakfast with hot sauce and dumplings

I have been craving mum's dumplings for weeks now and I only got round to making them this morning. They didn't turn out as well as hers shape-wise but they still tasted great. It's as simple as mixing flour, cold milk, a little bit of baking powder and a pinch of salt to a dough and frying them on "low-ish" heat in oil. 
With this I had my favourite sides - baked beans with a few drops of hot pepper sauce, fried potatoes and HP sauce, and fried bacon and spinach. So, so good.
Ingredients for your dumplings:
2 cups of flour (I used 2-2,5dl)
1 cup of milk (1 dl)
2 teaspoons of baking powder
A pinch of salt
How to:
Mix together with a fork as it's quite a sticky dough.
Add extra flour if you need to - it's not to be too sticky.
Roll into balls the sizes about 1,5x a golf ball.
Fry in oil on medium heat in a regular frying pan until brown all round.
(Mum, if I need to be corrected here, please comment how, haha.)
Serve straight away and half them and spread butter on like you would with any other bread.
I hate the pain growing wisdom teeth bring. I'd rather be less wise than endure this pain. Therefore I am eating Alvedon, Ipren and Paracetemol to keep me from crying like a little baby.

Postat av: Jenny

Allt ser ju lika smarrigt ut här som vanligt :). Det där brödet måste jag ta å testa till lunchen i helgen :)!!

Svar: Tack Jenny :) Det tycker jag absolut!
Nastasja Thor

2012-09-11 @ 20:24:27
URL: http://cookiesndreams.se
Postat av: Mumsy

Just love the photos Stars. Can almost taste that bacon and spinach. X

Svar: Thanks mum xo
Nastasja Thor

2013-01-07 @ 19:23:56

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