Pointy paprikas filled with taco mince

Hiya! How are you guys today? Despite the persisting rain outside I'm very happy. Just cooked this and I'm soon off to work. I've been food shopping today and when I saw the pointy peppers I bought two and hurried home. This is so quick to make!
2 pointy paprikas
~100g mince (unsure of the weight, but use mince to fill the peppers!)
5 feferonis
1/2 yellow onion
Taco spice or any other seasoning for your mince
Salad consisting of cucumber, green lettuce, tomatoes, feta cheese, red onion and avocado.
How to:
Put your oven on 225°C.
Chop your onion and fry together with the mince.
Slice your feferonis and add to the frying pan.
Add the taco spice with a little water to the mince.
Cut off the top of your paprikas and de-seed them.
Fill them with the mince and make sure you get the filling all the way down.
Put in an oven-proof dish and drizzle olive oil over the peppers.
Cook in the oven until the peppers have a charred colour.
Serve straight away with the salad.
Portobello mushroom

One of my newfound favourite mushrooms is the Portobello. I try to always have some at home. They're amazing in omelettes, to your fry up, as a tasty sidedish or in sauces. If cooked on their own, fry in butter and season with a pinch of salt and a tad of white pepper. Otherwise the mushroom taste on its own is great!
Burgers without bread

As I've said before, I'm trying my very hardest to avoid bread and if you put a bit of effort into it it is possible. Yesterday I was craving burgers and tried a different way of eating them. I also seasoned them in a different way this time, a tip from a colleague at work. I've had such problems uploading photos on this silly website, but here's yesterday's lunch!
200g beef mince
Salt, pepper and cayennepepper
1 small yellow onion
Feta cheese to melt on top
Whatever salad you wish to top your burgers with
I also ate my burgers with cottage cheese on the side.
How to:
Grate or chop your onion as finely as you can.
Mix together with your mince.
Wet your hands and shape your mince into burgers.
Season with salt, black pepper and cayennepepper on both sides.
Fry until cooked through.
Top with lots of feta cheese.
Plate it and eat it.
Kyckling i röd curry med matvete

Hallå där! Jag kom på en sak medan jag laddade upp det här bilderna, att jag tänkte ungefär 0,1 gång innan jag valde matvete som ett smart alternativ till all annan pasta och så. Visst att det är fiberrikare, men jag TÅL JU INTE VETE. Smart tjej här! Men det var ju himlans gott i alla fall. Har vårfixat lite i lägenheten och under ett gäng andra grejer hittade jag min bytta med röd currypasta och blev genast sugen på det.
Ingredienser (2 port):
1-2 kycklingfiléer
2 nävar frysta haricoverts
1 gul lök
2 tsk röd currypasta - beror helt på hur starkt du vill ha det, börja gärna med hälften och smaka av med mer.
1/2 burk kokosmjölk
0,5 dl vatten
Salt och basilika
Matvete - följ anvisningarna på förpackningen.
How to:
Hacka löken och strimla kycklingen.
Stek ihop i olja och krydda med salt och basilika.
Blanda ut currypastan med vattnet och häll i stekpannan.
Häll över kokosmjölken och lägg i haricovertsen.
När bönorna är genomvarma, smaka av ytterligare.
Servera varmt med matvetet!
Porridge with cinnamon fried apples

I'm trying to cut out all kinds of bread as I am allergic to wheat and rye and it hurts my tummy to eat it. I can eat oatmeal and cornmeal but it's difficult to bake bread from them. So, to not get bored of just eating quark (kvarg), other youghurt types, eggs and fry-ups, I'm giving the good old porridge a go again. A few years ago I cut out all my carbs and it didn't do me any good in the long run, but it's not good to eat too much of them either. So, by eating porridge for breakfast I will try to cut down on carbs during other meals.
Sorry about the essay!
Top your porridge with different kinds of fruit, nuts, berries or just plain ol' cinnamon and a tad of sugar and you're ready to go!
Kassler with rice and crunchy salad

Hi peeps! Sometime last week I cooked this meal but I just couldn't upload photos on here. It's been so much hassle. Anyway, this kassler meal above is very simple. Kassler is one of the best meats you can it because it's very lean and good for you, I used cream in my sauce though, so.... Want the recipe?
Kassler - I used about 600g for approx 3 portions.
1 large yellow onion
1-2 green paprikas
1 handful of mushrooms
2,5 dl cream (or half creme fraiché)
White pepper and salt
Rice if you wish.
Green salad consisting of cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, raw broccoli and roman salad.
Dressing if you like: olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt and black pepper.
How to:
Put your oven on 225°C.
Chop your onion and slice your mushrooms.
Cut the fat off your kassler and cut into the size and shape of your choice.
Fry in oil on medium high heat with the onion and mushrooms until the kassler has a bit of colour.
Add your cream and stir all of the goodness from the bottom of the pan.
Season with white pepper and a small pinch of salt.
Pour into an oven-proof dish and cook in the oven whilst your rice is cooking.
Make your salad and dress with a mixture of olive oil, garlic, lemon, salt and pepper if you like.
Serve straight away!
Chicken and vegetables

I love these three things together. Fried chicken in bisto gravy with streamed carrots and broccoli. YUM!
Fried chicken with leek and asparagus

Hello there! I've been to the gym this evening and after cleaning my entire flat I was starving. The best things about eating a salad or other side dishes is that it takes less time than your usual carbohydrates like potatoes and rice. It's easier on the body before bed too.
As many chicken fillets as you want - approximately 1 per person.
1/2 a leek
~ 2 tblsp balsamico
~ 2 tblsp balsamico
Salt and a mixture of pepper spices
A crunchy salad with components such as cucumber, red onion, feta cheese, avocado, tomatoes and olives.
Asparagus, wrapped in bacon if you like bacon.
Asparagus, wrapped in bacon if you like bacon.
How to:
Dice your chicken and fry in oil and a knob of butter.
Season with salt and the mix of pepper spices.
Slice your leek rather thinly.
Add the balsamico to the chicken and toss the pan to mix it all.
Add your leek when your chicken is in the final stage of frying.
Fry your asparagus in a large knob of butter.
Season with salt.
Serve with a crisp salad with a drizzle of balsamico.
"Kyckling paprika" - en familjerätt
Hej snyggingar! Tiden rann iväg igår och jag fick slänga ihop en snabb coleslaw istället för brödet då jag och pojkvännen skulle äta annat senare på kvällen. Provsmakade min kycklinggryta, eller kyckling paprika som vi kallar den hemma, lite snabbt och den var ljuvlig som lunch idag! Sugna på receptet?
1 hel kyckling - 1-1,5kg
2 stora gula lökar
2-3 gröna paprikor
2 burkar hela tomater
3 dl gräddfil
Paprikapulver, salt, svartpeppar
Smör att steka i
3 teskedar Maizena majsmjöl eller vetemjöl
How to:
Salta, peppra och krydda kycklingen rikligt med paprikapulver och gnugga in ordentligt.
Tvätta händerna i varmt vatten och med tvål för att inte föra över bakterierna till grönsakerna - tänk på att alltid använda olika knivar och skärbrädor eller tvätta noggrant emellan användning av rå kyckling och andra råvaror.
Hacka löken grovt.
Rensa och skär din paprika i bitar.
Hetta upp en kastrull på hög värme och smält margarin.
Bryn hela kyckligen runt om innan du kryddar mer.
Släng i löken och paprikan och rör runt.
Tillsätt även dina burktomater och fyll en burk till 3/4 med vatten och häll i också.
Låt puttra i 45 minuter med lock. Vänd kyckligen någon gång under tiden.
1 hel kyckling - 1-1,5kg
2 stora gula lökar
2-3 gröna paprikor
2 burkar hela tomater
3 dl gräddfil
Paprikapulver, salt, svartpeppar
Smör att steka i
3 teskedar Maizena majsmjöl eller vetemjöl
How to:
Salta, peppra och krydda kycklingen rikligt med paprikapulver och gnugga in ordentligt.

Tvätta händerna i varmt vatten och med tvål för att inte föra över bakterierna till grönsakerna - tänk på att alltid använda olika knivar och skärbrädor eller tvätta noggrant emellan användning av rå kyckling och andra råvaror.
Hacka löken grovt.
Rensa och skär din paprika i bitar.

Hetta upp en kastrull på hög värme och smält margarin.
Bryn hela kyckligen runt om innan du kryddar mer.
Släng i löken och paprikan och rör runt.
Tillsätt även dina burktomater och fyll en burk till 3/4 med vatten och häll i också.
Låt puttra i 45 minuter med lock. Vänd kyckligen någon gång under tiden.

När det 45 minuterna passerat tar du ut kyckligen och stänger av plattan.
Sätt på ditt ris.
Rensa din kyckling och lägg köttet i en skål - var försiktig då kyckligen är väldigt varm!
Blanda ner 3 teskedar maizena i din gräddfil.
Sätt på plattan och rör ner gräddfilen i kastrullen.
Låt koka upp i 2 minuter.
Smaka av och krydda mer om det behövs!
Lägg i kyckligen det allra sista för att värmas igenom.
Rensa din kyckling och lägg köttet i en skål - var försiktig då kyckligen är väldigt varm!

Blanda ner 3 teskedar maizena i din gräddfil.
Sätt på plattan och rör ner gräddfilen i kastrullen.
Låt koka upp i 2 minuter.
Smaka av och krydda mer om det behövs!
Lägg i kyckligen det allra sista för att värmas igenom.

Chicken challenge
Ahoy there! I've just come home from a friend whom I met in Australia when I was there. A new work week is ahead of me and I wanted to get some of the lunch boxes done today. I bought two whole fresh chickens at the supermarket earlier and am cooking one now. I'm using one of my mum's recipes and it's always a challenge living up to the original. Whilst it's simmering away I'm going to whip together my favourite youghurt bread for my boyfriend who, I'm happy to say, loves it! Peek in later and there will be pictures and the recipe.
Meatloaf with potatoes and a creamy brown sauce

I love what Swedes call "husmanskost" - it's the everyday food that has always existed here. This is a common meal and if you get it right it's delicious. It's the first time I ever made it and I definitely need to be heavier on the seasoning next time, otherwise it was good. Interested in the recipe?
~500g mince
1 yellow onion
1 egg
1/2 dl breadcrumbs
3/4 dl milk
1/2 dl cream
Salt and white pepper
Soy colouring (Sojakulör) + 2 tblsp butter
6-8 potatoes
Brown sauce:
40g butter
1/4 flour or Maizena
1 dl cream
2 dl stock from the meatloaf
Salt, white pepper and soy colouring
How to:
Put your oven on 200°C.
Let your breadcrumbs swell for 10 minutes in the milk mixed with the cream.
Chop your onion finely and mix with the mince.
Add your egg and breadcrumb mixture to the mince.
Season with salt and white pepper.
Butter a bread tin and put all the mince in it.
Melt the butter and mix with the soy colouring and brush over the top of the meatloaf.
Cook for approximately 40 minutes in the oven.
Whilst the meatloaf is cooking, peel your potatoes and boil them in salted water.
When the meatloaf is ready, pour the stock from the tin into a seperate bowl.
Melt the butter for the sauce in a pan and stir in the flour/maizena.
Add the stock.
Add the cream.
Taste and season after your own liking.
Add soy colouring for the... colour, haha.
Serve with gurkins, lingon jam and maybe some steamed carrots!
I <3 breakfast

Leftovers for breakfast is amazing. Boiled potatoes from yesterday fried with a few rashes of bacon, a large portabello mushroom, some on-its-way-out-spinach and two fried eggs. With a few glasses of milk I'm sorted after my nightshift. I'm off to bed now and when I wake up I'll show you what I cooked yesterday. Stay tuned!