Isterband och kryddmos

Jag kommer inte ens ihåg när jag åt isterband senast men jag har alltid gillat det! I skolan fick man det ofta med stuvad potatis men det fick bli mos idag. Jag köpte korven i charken på mitt vanliga ICA och stekte på medelhög värme i lite olja. Moset gjorde jag på potatis, smör, creme fraiché, timjan, oregano och salt. Till detta åt jag lite överbliven sallad, ärtor och bönor. Mycket gott!
Salmon and shrimp pasta

Hey peeps! I was so tired yesterday evening after a bit of partying with the best workmates in the world on Thursday. My dear colleague, Emma, came round to eat and watch films with me. She brought her little dog and after a stroll in the park we just monged out in the sofa.
2-4 fillets of salmon - defrost them!
200-300g shrimps
1 yellow onion
2 mushrooms
2-4 dl creme fraiché
Lemon pepper and salt
1 bag of baby spinach
Cherry tomatoes
Parmesan or other tasty cheese for garnish
Oil to fry in
How to:
Chop the onion finely and your mushrooms into the size you wish.
Fry in some oil.
Cut your salmon into cubes and fry in oil on medium heat in a different pan;
brown on both sides and season with lemon pepper and salt.
Then add to your pan with onion and mushrooms.
At the same time - cook your spaghetti or other pasta.
Stir your creme fraiché into you salmon, mushrooms and onion.
Season with more lemon pepper and salt and taste!
Add your shrimps and baby spinach.
Cook for another 5-10 minutes.
Serve with pasta and halved cherry tomatoes on top with some parmesan grated over the lot.
Enjoy this super easy meal!
Chicken enchilladas

My food-crazy friend Nana came round this Wednesday and we made some kick-ass chicken enchilladas to eat to the football on TV (yes, when Zlatan scored 4 goals for Sweden against England!). We're alike in the kitchen, when trying something new the amount of ingredients used can be determined when it's all finished. Improvisation is great!
Ingredients (6 enchilladas):
2 fillets of chicken
1 yellow onion
1 red paprika
4 champignons (?) (champinjoner)
~4 dl creme fraiché
1 red chili pepper
3-4 tblsp yellow curry powder - season with half first and add the rest successfully along the way and taste!
Cayennepepper, salt and pepper.
6 tortilla breads
Cheese for garnish
How to:
Set your oven on 200°C.
Set your oven on 200°C.
Chop your onion finely and fry in oil with your diced paprika and chopped champignons.
Season with salt and pepper.
Cut your chicken into small-ish pieces and add to the pan.
Add your curry powder and your finely chopped chili.
Add your creme fraiché and give the lot a taste.
Season with cayenne pepper and more curry powder if needed.
Place a few spoons of the chicken mixture on a tortilla bread and roll together.
Place in an oven proof dish and repeat with the rest.
Sprinkle cheese over the enchilladas and bake in the oven until the cheese turns golden brown.
Serve with jalapeños, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber and salad.
Asian style vegetable wok with chicken

Good evening ladies and gents! As lunch was a light ordeal I was hungry again this evening. I had a load of different vegetables in the fridge and I'm still trying to get the hang of Asian seasoning, so a wok sounded like a good idea. I also cleaned my cupboard out earlier and found some sesame seeds - such a good looking ingredient!
Ingredients (3-4 port):
2 fillets of chicken
10 brussel sprouts
3/4 broccoli
1 carrot
1 red onion
Marinade for the chicken:
1 clove of garlic
0,5 tblsp fish sauce
3 tblsp Chinese soy sauce
3 tblsp (chopped) coriander
2 small chilis
A squeeze of lemon.
Sesame seeds.
Sweet chili sauce.
How to:
Cut your chicken into cubes and put in a bag.
Add your fish and soy sauce and lemon juice.
Chop your coriander and chilis finely and add as well.
Crush your garlic and tie the bag shut.
Make sure all the ingredients are mixed together and let stand in room temperature whilst you prepare the rest.
Cut off the end of your brussels and remove the outer leaves. Half them.
Cut the broccoli into small-ish pieces and remove any brown bits.
Cut Half, quarter and eigth your onion.
Slice your carrot thinly.
Fry all of these in oil in a medium hot pan.
Pour into a powl and fry your chicken mixture in the same pan.
Add sesame seeds after your own liking.
When the chicken is cooked through, add your vegetables.
Toss the wok and add more sesames seeds if you wish.
Serve immediatley with a little sweet chili sauce on top.
Världens bästa filmjölksbröd
Foody cupcakes

Hi there! How are you surviving the darkness? It's killing me. I woke up with a migraine and dizziness so I stayed home from work. Luckily it eased off this afternoon and I decided to make the most of it and spend some missed time in the kitchen. I'm not a big baker, I do enjoy a cake now and then but I prefer food. To combine the two I decided to try a recipe for a foodier type of cupcakes; in Sweden we call them "Matmuffins". They are fun, easy and my favourite part - easy to vary.
Ingredients (9 small-ish cupcakes):
2 eggs
2 dl youghurt OR creme fraiché
0,5 dl olive oil
3 dl plain flour
1,5 dl spelt flour / rhye flour / other coarse flour
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
Ham, turkey, bacon, salami
Brie, parmesan, other cheeses
How to:
Heat your oven to 200°C.
Mix the eggs, youghurt/creme fraiché and olive oil in a bowl.
Mix the dry ingredients together in a seperate bowl.
Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ones until mixed together.
Put your paper cupcake papers on your tin tray and spoon in the mixture to 2/3's full.
Push in your different ingredients into the mixture.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 18 minutes-ish.
Let stand for a few minutes before serving as a snack, for breakfast or just a side to a nice soup.
Tip of the day:
If you're bored one day or have time left over, bake a bread or make some scones and put in your freezer. It's the best thing in the world knowing you have something tasty to start your day with. I finished work this morning at 7am after an eight-hour night shift and came home knowing I had some cranberry scones in the freezer. Warmed them up and topped them with cheese, avocado and cucumber. I sat down on my sofa and enjoyed them with a cup of PG Tips-tea and the morning news.
Red thai chicken curry

Hello peeps! I've been so busy but yesterday I had time to try one of my favourite recipes from home. That's one of my favourite things about cooking, learning how to make my favourite dishes my mum and family have always made. This is a simple recipe that tastes amazing and is nice to spice up any evning with. Try it out!
2-4 chicken breasts
1 tin of coconut milk
1 yellow onion
1 tbsp Ghee or oil (Ghee is clarified butter)
1 stick lemon grass
2-3 fresh lime leaves
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp palm sugar (syrup will work too)
1 tbsp red curry paste
1 tsp basil
1 tin baby corn
How to:
Step 1:
Dice chicken and fry in a medium sized pan with the lemon grass and a little bit of oil.
Open the coconut milk and skim off the top layer of thick cream as shown on the picture. Save both!
Fill up the tin with water till the top and add to the chicken when it has been browned all over.
Cook gently for 10 minutes and then take off the hob.
Step 2:
Finely chop your onion and at o a wok with the tablespoon of Ghee or oil. Fry soft but not brown.
Add the curry paste, palm sugar and fish sauce and fry until all mixed together.
Add the thick cream and make sure that it DOESN'T boil because it will seperate.
Stil until evenly mixed.
Add the mixture to step 1 and put on the heat again. Cook for a further 5-10 minutes.
Add the basil and baby corn and cook for another 5 minutes.
Serve straight away with rice and/or noodles.
Igår gick jag en sväng till den asiatiska butiken 30 sekunder från min port. Jag köpte på mig lite olika nudlar, currypasta och kokosmjölk. Blev sugen på lite wok när jag kom hem då jag köpt en massa grönsaker lite tidigare på dagen med. Det roliga med just glasnudlarna jag använde är att de är gjorda på mungobönor! Alltså mycket mindre kolhydrater i dessa och ett roligt alternativ till vanlig pasta.
Glasnudlarna tillagade jag på så vis att jag kokade upp vatten och lade i nudlarna och tog av kastrullen från plattan. Jag lät dem ligga i i 3-4 minuter. Jag hackade samtidigt mina grönsaker, däribland squash, purjolök, rödlök, paprika, och hyvlade morot. Jag stekta alltsammans i lite olja och kryddade med färsk hackad koriander, chili, några skvättar fisksås, saften från en halv lime och lite kinesisk soja. Jag hade även lite kött i kylen som mamma kom med häromdagen; det hackade jag upp och slängde i med. Till sist blandade jag i nudlarna och sweet chili sauce!
Det är bara att improvisera och smaka av ibland. Kommer göra om detta fast troligtvis med lite bättre mått nästa gång, haha.
När man får dille på omelett

Det händer (ganska ofta) att jag fastnar i ett mönster när det gäller viss mat. För några månader sedan åt jag ägg och kaviar så ofta jag kunde. Nu smakar omelett fruktansvärt bra som första mål för dagen. Det är roligt att variera och går fort att tillaga.
2 ägg
0,5 dl mjölk
1 liten tomat
1 liten rödlök
2-3 champinjoner
1-2 skivor skinka
Salt, svartpeppar
Olja till stekning.
Någon stark ost till garnering.
How to:
Hacka löken fint och tärna tomaten och champinjonerna.
Stek alltsamma i lite olja tills de fått lite färg.
Salta och peppra.
Vispa äggen i en skål, häll i mjölken och vispa upp ytterliggare.
Häll över äggblandningen i stekpannan.
Sänk värmen och riv över lite ost mot slutet när ytan blivit fast.
Servera direkt!
Glass noodle wok

I was in a rush and couldn't take any better pictures at the time. I'll put the recipe up later after work!
Yes, the quietness.
Sorry to say I can't always make the blog work everyday. Cooking is my biggest hobby but sometimes there's just not enough time. I'm a weak person when I'm hungry and do occasionally eat a takeaway. Yesterday it happened to be two, haha. But I hope that if you like my blog when I do post recipes and pictures you'll carry on dropping by and are happy with what I come up with. There's no point promising I'll get better at it, I'm just going to do it in my own pace. If that's good with you, let's go!
Not at home at all this weekend so it'll be pretty quiet for yet another few days......