Underskattad husmanskost / Underrated simple foods

So simple and so tasty. Homemade mashed potatoes with sausage, gurkins, lingon jam, a green salad and you're sorted! Sausage and mash. Mash and sausage. An unbeatable combination!
Omelette with a side salad

A classic omelette is nice and quick to make after a hard training session at the gym. I never ever eat it with anything on the side but for some reason I was craving a salad. I hope I don't ever forget how nice raw carrots are! My friend Nana always mixes things that I don't think go together, but I think I need to open my eyes to more combinations and take a leaf out of her book. A cup of tea is now in order and a nap on the sofa before work tonight!
Fish soup from the freezer

Hiya! As we all know life catches up with us sometimes and we just don't really have time to cook. Some people always turn to fastfood and solve it that way, I try to always have some extra in the freezer. Today fish soup is served in my flat, I just heated it up on the stove whilst washing up and pottering around the kitchen. I'm enjoying it to an epside of Jamie Oliver's American food trip. You can find the recipe here!
Mustard breaded Christmas ham

'Ello! As a part of the Swedish Christmas food, the ham plays the biggest part according to many (my favourite part is the sausage and homemade meatballs!). I made my first ham yesterday and it was nice.... but needs improvement. The crust was lovely though, and dead simple. I bought a pre-boiled ham which means that all I needed to do was decide what I wanted the seasoning to be.
2 egg
1-2 dl breadcrumbs
0,5 dl mustard; dijon mixed with any other type is nice.
How to:
Put the oven on 200°C.
Cut all the fat off the ham.
Put it in an ovenproof dish.
Beat your egg and brush it over the ham's surface.
Cover the egged parts in mustard.
Finally cover the mustard with breadcrumbs.
Either use a meat thermometer or just put your ham in and leave it in for atleast 30 minutes,
the longer it stays in, the dryer it will become.
Enjoy on a sandwich with mustard on top!
Banana pancakes

Hello ladies and sirs! The pancakes above served a perfect after work and pre-training meal. Sometimes, or most of the time in my sake, regular pancakes made using flour makes me really bloated. These are made without using any flour at all! Ready for simplicity in a recipe?
1 banana
1-2 eggs (depending on size)
Butter to fry in
+ any toppings to go with it - I ate mine with raspberries!
How to:
Mash or mix your banana clump free.
Mix together with your eggs.
Fry 1,5-2 spoonfulls in butter on medium heat until the surface starts getting air bubbles.
Turn and fry until just golden.
Serve straight away!
I've heard it's nice to mix in cottage cheese and many people add protein powder in their mixture to make it even more filling!

Enkelt att bli glad av mat. Extra roligt när man har någon att bjuda. Kyckling med hasselbackspotatis och trattkantarellsås.
6 potatisar
2 kycklingfiléer
3 scharlottenlökar
1 näve torkade trattkantareller - Blötlägg kantarellerna i några timmar om du har tid för att få fram smaken mer!
2,5 dl grädde
Salt, vitpeppar och pepparmix
Smör till potatisen
How to:
Sätt ugnen på 200°C.
Skala dina potatisar och halvera dem. Skär nästan hela vägen igenom tvärs över ytan i tunna skivor.
Lägg på en plåt och salta med flingsalt och lägg på klickar med smör på snittytan.
Skicka in i ugnen tills de är genommjuka och gyllenbrunt knapriga på ytan.
Hacka scharlottenlöken fint och stek i olja.
Skär kycklingen till önskad storlek och stek med löken.
Salta och krydda med pepparmixen.
När kyckligen fått en fin ytan, häll i de avrunna kantarellerna och grädden.
Krydda mer mer salt och vitpeppar.
Smaka av!
Servera direkt, gärna med en god sallad till!
A slice of pie

Oh my, it was delicious! I'll probably go beserk with pie making now I've tried the simple combination of egg-and-cream/milk-mixture. There are so many foods I've tried, eaten and loved but never cooked myself, even the easiest recipes! All the more to spend my time learning now, wohoo!
Chicken and broccoli pie

Hey peeps! Cooking lunch for tomorrow and trying something I've never made before. It's easy enough with a few different steps and it's a perfect lunch to eat either hot or cold with a nice crispy salad on the side. Ready for it?
4 dl plain flour
1 1/2 dl milk
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
50 g butter - room temperature!
2 chicken fillets
1 1/2 heads of broccoli
3 eggs
2 dl cream
1 dl milk
Salt and pepper
Oil to fry in
Cheese for garnish
How to:
Start by putting your oven on 200°C.
Mix your flour, salt and baking powder together.
Pinch your butter together with the flour mixture.
Add your butter and work into a dough.
Press into an oven proof dish and set aside.
Cut your broccoli into little chunks and boil lightly until almost soft; pour the water off and set aside.
Mix your eggs, milk and cream in a bowl with salt and pepper and set aside as well.
Fry your chicken in small pieces and season with salt and pepper.
Cover the bottom of your dish with your broccoli and chicken.
Pour the egg mixture over the lot.
Garnish with a load of grated cheese.
Bake in the oven for 30 minutes - keep an eye on it so it doesn't go to brown, in that case cover with foil.
Let it rest for a few minutes before serving!
I'll show you a cut-out picture tomorrow when I eat this delicious thing for lunch tomorrow - I have to go now and don't have time to wait for it to set.
Swedish meatballs 2.0

Good morning dears! I've just finished the delicious sandwiches you can see above and am on my sofa listening to Christmas music. The snow is swirling around outside and my entire flat smells of meatballs! Yesterday was such a perfect cooking day so after my 'lussekatter' I tried an actual meatball recipe and was happy to roll 70 meatballs to have a stash in my freezer. (This morning when I put my coat on I smellt like a meatball because I don't have a kitchen fan).
Ingredients (60-80 meatballs depending on size):
1 kg mince (half pork/half beef)
1 1/2 dl grated onion (1 1/2-2 onions)
1 1/2 dl breadcrumbs
2 dl milk
1 dl cream
~1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
2 eggs
Butter and/or oil to fry in
How to:
Pour your milk, cream and breadcrumbs in a bowl - stir - and let swell for 10 minutes.
Grate your onion.
Mix your mince with the white pepper, sugar and salt until the mixture is firm.
Add your eggs and mix until the mince is firm again.
Finally add your breadcrumbs and onion and mix into your mince.
Wet your hands and roll your meatballs into the size of your liking.
If you want to be certain of the taste, fry one small meatball first and add more spices if needed.
Fry on medium high heat in a little butter and oil.
I ate a few sliced on my homemade bread with Philadelphia cheese - yum!

Hi there! How are we doing? I've had such a lovely Sunday. I've ran a few errands in town and been for a nice (but so, so cold) powerwalk in the sun that rarely shows itself where I live. It's the first of advent and us Swedes do put quite a bit of effort in celebrating it during the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. I never bake but today I wanted to give it a try when I figured out how to use my kitchen assistant (?). I nicked this recipe from Jenny who is collaborating with the Swedish dairy company, Arla, during this Christmas.
Ingredients (Approx. 25 lussekatter):
250g kvarg/kesella/thick greek (or other) youghurt
5dl milk
1,5g saffron
100g butter (room temperature - important!)0,5 tsp salt
50g yeast
1,5dl sugar
~15-17dl plain flour
How to:
Crumble your yeast into your assistant.
Heat your milk and kvarg/youghurt to 37 degrees in a pan and pour over your yeast and stir until dissolved.
Make sure your butter is room temerature before you add it to your yeast mixture with the salt, sugar and saffron.
Add the flour succesfully until the mixture is elastic.
Let the machine work it for another 10 minutes..
Put into a bigger bowl or a large saucepan to rise until double the size.
Cover with a baking towel or plastic foil.
If the dough is very sticky after finished rising, dust it, your hands and your wokring surface.
Shape them as you wish - the classic style is like an S with the ends tucked in with a raisin in each end.
Let rise for another 30 minutes when you have shaped your 'lussekatter' and put them on baking sheets. Cover again with plasitc foil.
Heat your oven to 225 degrees celcius.
Brush some beaten egg on your lussekatter before you bake them in the oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
Let cool for a few minutes under a towl and eat with a glass of cold milk.
At this moment: