Tortillas with curried chicken

Hi there! How has your weekend been? Mine's been great despite quite a bit of rain and the cold I've brought back. I wouldn't say no to some of the food above. I made my own tortilla bread using this recipe. It was so easy! With this I mixed together a sauce using 1,5-2dl creme fraiché, 100g fetacheese, 1 clove of garlic and some salt and pepper. Crush the garlic and mix the ingredients together and you'll have one hell of a tasty mixture!
Homemade tortillas
I can't upload pictures guys, so I can't show you the tortillas I made yesterday. Going away to Kungshamn/Smögen this weekend to celebrate midsummer, and on Monday I'm off to England. I guess you could call it a holiday! I'll be back when I've landed again.
Happy midsummer!
Happy midsummer!

Westindian meatballs and rice

Chicken-pepper-mouldy cheese combination

I love it when I look in my fridge, see how ingredients could possibly work together, try it and the result is a success.
Ingredients (2 portions):
2 fillets of chicken
1 yellow onion
1 red pepper
A few slices of mouldy cheese, or any other strong cheese you may like.
Salt, black pepper and pepper powder (paprikapulver)
The juice from 1/2 a lemon.
Fresh pasta - we buy fresh pasta from our local ICA shop. This one has a taste of spinach and is really tasty
How to:
Chop your onion finely.
De-seed your pepper and slice it quite thinly.
Cut your chicken into chunks or slices.
Fry all three together in some butter.
Season with salt, black pepper and pepper powder after your own liking.
Whilst your chicken is getting fried, get your water boiling for your pasta.
Follow the instructions on the packet.
Put pasta on a plate or in a bowl, drizzle a little olive oil and a good squeeze of lemon over it.
Add your chicken and pepper.
Crumble som mouldy cheese on top and give it all another squeeze of lemon.
Serve immediatley!
Nibbles with the girls

(The focus might be a bit off sometimes. I bought a new lens yesterday and I'm not used to it yet.)
One of the best things I know is cheese, crackers and other nibbles. The perfect combination with that kind of food is the company of my girlfriends, they love it just as much as me! Yesterday they'd arranged this do before the football game, Ukraine - Sweden. The food was delicious but the football was one of the worst games I've ever watched. Hoping for a better performance from the Swedes when they play England on Friday (and yes, I have chosen my side already).
Bagel success

Right. I am the happiest person right now. I have succeeded in baking bagels and they taste so good! Unluckily we didn't have any cream cheese at home but my sister and I survived anyway. I've knicked the recipe from the amazing Jenny and you can find it here!
It's rising!
I know I've done something right in my first attempt at baking BAGELS. The dough is actually rising, haha. I'm overjoyed. How can cooking make me so happy? It's so theraputical. I'll get back to you with the result of course.
Chicken burgers
I'm a big fan of burgers as you might have noticed. Tonight I decided I'd give chicken burgers a go. Nothing advanced and I'm sorry to say that you won't be getting any fancy pictures as I'm not eating them tonight. They're for work tomorrow. I'll make sure I take a picture with my phone and upload for you. If they taste good I know there will be a re-run, haha. Goodnight for now!
Lemon and black pepper salmon accompanied by a summery potato salad

How good does this look, huh? About as good as it tasted! It's dead simple too.
Ingredients for your salmon:
5 pieces of salmon - I let mine defrost so they only took 10-13 minutes in the oven. If they are frozen it'll take a little longer.
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
Black pepper and salt
5-8 cherry tomatoes
Olive oil for cooking
Ingredients for your potato salad:
It's hard to say how many potatoes as I used new potatoes (färskpotatis) - judge by the size of them and how many you're cooking for.
1 red onion
5-8 mushrooms
2 spring onions or 1/2 a leek
1 bunch of dill
A knob of butter
"Gräddfil" - a kind of thickish creme fraiche. Natural youghurt works too!
How to:
Scrub your potatoes so the muck comes off but leave the skin on.
Boil them with a large pinch of salt.
Meanwhile, put your oven on 225°C and prepare your salmon;
put your fillets of fish in an oven proof dish and season with pepper, a pinch of salt and a big squeeze of lemon all over.
Half your tomatoes and spread over the fish.
Drizzle some good quality olive oil over the lot too.
When the potatoes have 10 minutes left put your fish in the oven (if it's defrosted. Otherwise put it in with about 20 minutes to go depending on size.)
Pour off the water when the potatoes are done and let them cool off with a pinch of salt and a knob of butter.
Chop your onion finely and chop your mushrooms to the size you want.
Slice your spring onions or leek thinly.
Chop your dill finely too.
Half your potatoes, or leave them whole if they're small.
Mix your onions, dill, mushrooms and potatoes together and add a bit of creme fraiché if you want to.
Otherwise, drizzle a little olive oil over.
Serve straight away when your fish is done with your extras.
Köttfärsfyllda paprikor

Igår när jag var nere på ICA såg jag små söta paprikor och tänkte direkt att jag ville testa på det här med köttfärsfyllda sådana. Har varit sugen på det ett tag och hade en liten idé om soltorkade tomater och fetaost till det här, så det fick det bli!
~ 400g köttfärs
Antal paprikor beror på hur stora de är!
4-5 marinerade soltorkade tomater (gärna vitlöksmarinerade)
1 gul lök
150g fetaost
För lite hetta använda jag en Hot Pepper Sauce vi hade i kylen - alternativ till detta kan vara jalapeños, chili eller helt enkelt en egen kryddblandning.
4 champinjoner.
2 matskedar het tacosalsasås
Salt och peppar
How to:
Sätt din ugn på 225°C och över -och under värme.
Skär bort toppen på dina paprikor och kärna ur dem.
Hacka din lök fint och hacka även dina soltorkade tomater och champinjoner.
Bryn din köttfärs med din lök och champinjonerna.
Salta och peppra och krydda med ditt val av hetta.
Ta av pannan från plattan och häll köttfärsen i en annan bunke.
Blanda i dina soltorkade tomater och smula ner halva fetaosten och rör runt.
Smaka av.
Fyll sedan dina paprikor så fullt du kan och tryck sedan ned bitar av fetaost i toppen.
Skicka in paprikorna i ugnen på valfri plåt (det funkade bra med en muffinsform för att de inte skulle välta) i cirka 20 minuter eller tills du tycker att de fått fin färg. Du kan smörja plåten med lite olja för att paprikan inte ska fastna och brännas vid.
Servera direkt med en god sallad.
Jag kan tänka mig att krydda köttfärsen med tacokrydda nästa gång och blanda i gottigheter som annanas, tomat, rödlök och färska champinjoner och äta med guacamole. Mums!
Jamie Oliver's summer food

He is my hero when it comes to cooking because he is more than just a money making chef. He uses his publicity and name towards good things. Just look at the Food Revolution and the way he changed the food in English schools. I could keep on talking about him forever. If I could meet one person in my life, it'd be him. Just watching his programme about Summer Food on channel 7 (Swedish TV), yummmm.