Spaghetti bolougnese

New potatoes in dill fried in butter

Yesterday the girls and I had our new potatoe premier for this summer. There were some leftovers and as the Chinese side of me is usually awake in the morning, I wanted a cooked breakfast. Fried potatoes in butter with two eggs and my favourite HP sauce. We didn't have any bacon though and I wasn't feeling the beans this morning. This did well! Now: I'm off to lie on Nana's sun deck.

Sorry for the rubbish photo, I was too hungry to concentrate!
The best thing about burgers besides the perfect bread and the perfect taste of the meat and seasoning, is of course the toppings. I made these in a rush after work and before I met up the girls to watch the graduate prom in town.
Instead of hamburger dressing and ketchup I use sweet chili sauce. Thereafter: rocket (ruccola), tomato, cucumber, red onion, the burger with some tasty cheese and bacon on top. Another version is made up by the same greens but with mayonaise instead of sweet chili sauce and a few hot jalapeños on top. YUM!
Quick-and-easy bacon wrapped chicken with chips

I've been busy today (like so many of the past days with no update) and I noticed the defrosted chicken very late. I seasoned the fillets in lemon and black pepper, wrapped them in bacon and fried them with a chopped yellow onion in butter. Served with my favourite sides - chips and HP sauce, salad and a lovely guacamole. I've taken up on using tomato in my guacamole, I'm not sure what it does, but it makes a nice change!
Plockmat / Smörgåsbord / Tapas

Det fattas baconlindade dadlar och kycklingpiroger, det hade varit pricken över i:t!
Kassler in a creamy sauce

The best thing about kassler is that it's so easily cooked. It tastes good when it's raw too! I had some carrots, broccoli and leek in the fridge too so I thought I'd whip something together.
I used almost an entire long piece of kassler (about 25cm long, not sure of the weight).
4 carrots
A large chunk of broccoli
Mushrooms and peppers are nice to have in this too, but I didn't have any at home.
1 yellow onion
1/2 a leek
2-3 teaspoons of thyme
1-2 teaspoons of black pepper
2 teaspoons of pepper powder
1 teaspoon of chili flakes or chili powder
No salt is needed because the kassler is salt enough.
2,5 dl of cream
2 dl of water
Creme fraiché or plain greek youghurt after your liking.
1 teaspoons of Maizena with a little water to thicken your sauce.
Chop your onion finely and slice your washed leek.
Fry together with your sliced kassler in butter on medium heat.
Season with black pepper, pepper powder, thyme and chili flakes.
Add your cream, water and creme fraiché/youghurt.
Taste! And add spices if needed.
Add your maizena mixed in water to the pan carefully and bring up to the boil.
Add your chopped vegetables and let simmer until your vegetables are soft with a bit of a crunch.
Serve with rice and a nice green salad straight away!
Getting back on my feet
Hi my dear faithful readers. I apologise for the lack of posts lately, I've had so much going on in my head that I've not done much more than eaten whatever has been a quickfix or what my mum's cooked. I'm getting back on track here and will start slow whilst I try to find my inspiration again.
Thanks for hanging in there! xx

Det är världens bästa grej att orka göra god och rolig mat. Kom hem till lite rester av en hel grillad kyckling och med en massa goda ingredienser i kylskåpet slängde jag ihop dessa godbitar. Roligare bröd hade jag väl inte tackat nej till men man tar det man har. Majonäs, sallad, tomat, rödlök, ost, HP-sås och champinjoner. Satan, vad gott!
Goat cheese salad with garlic bread

Hi there! I ate this lovely salad for lunch which is very unlike me. I love salad and vegetables, don't get me wrong, but I'm rubbish at eating it as a complete meal. One of my best girlfriends came round with some nice cheese the other day, one of them being a goat cheese with a taste of honey. I used green salad, cucumber, crunchy radishes, fresh tomatoes, the goat cheese, a few pinches of another cheese with a taste of red pepper, a load of olives and a dash of balsamico on top. What a treat!
Strawberry dream

As it's my birthday on Saturday and my last workday is tomorrow working the shifts I do, I'm treating the beautiful people I work with to some cake. I've made two of these and even I can't wait to dig in. I've cheated quite a bit using quick fixes but I bet it tastes good anyway. If not, atleast it looks like it does, haha.
Munching away!

I've been into olives for a few years now and I like them in so many different contexts. The combination of olives, cheese and sundried tomatoes on a pizza or a focaccia is to die for. These ones are so good, green and with the stone still in. YUM!