Sometimes it's hard to stay positive about my allergies
Good morning!
One of the worst things about the internet now is how all the pictures of delicious foods are so easy to come across. Instagram, tumblr, flickr, weheartit, etcetera are so in your face all the time. I can't even eat all the goodies and it sucks. I wish allergies on no one and I am curious to why my body had to be one of them to react. On paper I am allergic to:
Citrus fruits; oranges, lemons, etc.
Soya (which also contains wheat)
Nuts + almonds
Beans, peas and everything else in that family
+ when I was younger I couldn't eat egg or fish either, and I've had problems with dairy products.
Some days this just becomes too much and upsets me. I want to be able to eat whatever I want. Some people think it lucky for me not to be able to eat normal flour so I can cut out bread without choice. Sure, I enjoy a piece of white bread with bacon inbetween like most English people, but I prefer brown bread stuffed with nuts, seeds and other fun stuff. I wish I could experiment with nuts - flour, mixed into creaminess, milk, etc.
My allergies come and go, mostly depending on how often I eat things. The wheat/barley/rhye part seems to have come back the past year from when I was younger and I can't eat it at all now. It's difficult to go round to friends or eat out because I never want to put anyone out and it feels like a bother. A dear friend of mine is allergic to gluten and has introduced me to loads of stuff I actually can eat which has been much appreciated.
Now, I know I cheat on some parts, but I mainly try and listen to my body. If I've not had soya in a while, I might have a few drops in a sauce or eat it with my sushi. I just have to be smart about it.
Just saying, don't take food for granted. Eat! I mean, I can't eat a sloppy pizza either because of the bread, let alone anything healthy containing it.
Good morning to you!
The best salmon ever

Here it is, the simple and delicious salmon. My boyfriend's uncle lives in Norway were salmon is so common and cheap that they bring some down with them when they visit. I was given some lovely pieces and they are perfect to cook quick.
3 pieces of salmon - defrosted!
5 cherry tomatoes
3/4 packet of feta cheese
Salt, pepper, lemon pepper
Squeeze of lemon
Mixed leaves like rocket and baby spinach
Red onion or leek
Paprika - any colour
Olive oil
How to:
Put your oven on at 220°C.
Drizzle a little bit of olive oil in a casserole dish and place the pieces of salmon in - skin-side down if it's left on.
Season with salt, pepper and lemon pepper.
Drizzle olive oil over the salmon and squeeze some lemon over the lot.
Crumble the feta cheese over the fish and slice and place your tomatoes on and around.
Cook in the oven for 15 minutes.
Make your salad and eat with your salmon when it's done.
Drizzle some balsamico over the salad and ENJOY!
Dör bröddöden (nästan) // Death by bread (almost)
Pojkvännen är mackor. Jag är vete/råg/korn-allergiker och äter glutenfritt. Jag vill knappt acceptera det, haha. Det går inte jämföra även om det finns goda glutenfria alternativ. Köpte junikaka till Daniel igår och DET LUKTAR SÅ GOTT! Jag får sota för att jag blev svag för en äggamacka igår. Idag blir det istället stekt ägg, bacon, korv och vita bönor!
In English
My boyfriend eats sandwiches all the time, like a true Swede. I'm allergic to wheat, rhye and barley and eat everything gluten-free. I don't want to accept it, haha. You can't compare the gluten-free options despite there being quite good stuff out there. I bought freshly baked bread for Daniel yesterday and IT SMELLT SO GOOD! Today I am suffering for being weak yesterday and eating an egg sandwich. Today I'll be frying bacon, egg, sausage and baked beans.
My new favourite
I've been meaning to try polenta for ages. I'm not allergic to it, it's made of corn and it's probably the easiest thing in the world to whip together.
I used the recipe on the back of the package:
4 portions:
7,5 dl vegetable stock
1,5 dl polenta
Bring the stock to the boil.
Stir the polenta into the liquid.
Let it just boil for 6 minutes.
Either eat it like this straight away OR pour the polenta into a baking tray and let it cool down.
Cut the polenta cake into pieces and fry for approximately 3 minutes on each side in some oil.