Westindian meatballs and rice
Köttfärsfyllda paprikor
Igår när jag var nere på ICA såg jag små söta paprikor och tänkte direkt att jag ville testa på det här med köttfärsfyllda sådana. Har varit sugen på det ett tag och hade en liten idé om soltorkade tomater och fetaost till det här, så det fick det bli!
~ 400g köttfärs
Antal paprikor beror på hur stora de är!
4-5 marinerade soltorkade tomater (gärna vitlöksmarinerade)
1 gul lök
150g fetaost
För lite hetta använda jag en Hot Pepper Sauce vi hade i kylen - alternativ till detta kan vara jalapeños, chili eller helt enkelt en egen kryddblandning.
4 champinjoner.
2 matskedar het tacosalsasås
Salt och peppar
How to:
Sätt din ugn på 225°C och över -och under värme.
Skär bort toppen på dina paprikor och kärna ur dem.
Hacka din lök fint och hacka även dina soltorkade tomater och champinjoner.
Bryn din köttfärs med din lök och champinjonerna.
Salta och peppra och krydda med ditt val av hetta.
Ta av pannan från plattan och häll köttfärsen i en annan bunke.
Blanda i dina soltorkade tomater och smula ner halva fetaosten och rör runt.
Smaka av.
Fyll sedan dina paprikor så fullt du kan och tryck sedan ned bitar av fetaost i toppen.
Skicka in paprikorna i ugnen på valfri plåt (det funkade bra med en muffinsform för att de inte skulle välta) i cirka 20 minuter eller tills du tycker att de fått fin färg. Du kan smörja plåten med lite olja för att paprikan inte ska fastna och brännas vid.
Servera direkt med en god sallad.
Jag kan tänka mig att krydda köttfärsen med tacokrydda nästa gång och blanda i gottigheter som annanas, tomat, rödlök och färska champinjoner och äta med guacamole. Mums!
Spaghetti bolougnese
Sorry for the rubbish photo, I was too hungry to concentrate!
The best thing about burgers besides the perfect bread and the perfect taste of the meat and seasoning, is of course the toppings. I made these in a rush after work and before I met up the girls to watch the graduate prom in town.
Instead of hamburger dressing and ketchup I use sweet chili sauce. Thereafter: rocket (ruccola), tomato, cucumber, red onion, the burger with some tasty cheese and bacon on top. Another version is made up by the same greens but with mayonaise instead of sweet chili sauce and a few hot jalapeños on top. YUM!
Spag' bowl
A classic spaghetti bolougnese never fails. I prefer the type of bolougnese that is more tomatoe-y instead of creamy. It's quick and simple, do you want the recipe?
~600g beef mince
2 medium yellow onions
4 cloves of garlic
1 tin of crushed tomatoes
1 tin of sweetcorn
2 cubes of meat stock (köttbuljongtärningar)
Basil, salt and black pepper
You can add things such as peppers, carrots and other things you may want in your bolougnese. We use dried chantarelles in ours.
Chop you onions finely and fry in a medium sized saucepan with your mince and crushed garlic.
When your mince is browned, add your crushed tomatoes and fill half the tin with water and add in there too.
Add your stock cubes and stir until they have melted.
Now season with basil, salt and black pepper until you are happy with the taste.
Turn down to simmer and add your sweetcorn and, in my case, dried chantarelles.
Let it simmer for 15 minutes.
Serve straight away with spaghetti and some strong cheese on top!
Taco gratang
Right, so, it doesn't look very appetizing when it's laid on the plate but it tastes delightful. Usually I make this as a pie instead with a scone base but this is a nice change and it isn't as heavy to eat for tea.
Taco gratang:
~600g mince (I always use beef)
4-5dl creme fraiché
3 tomatoes
1-2 yellow onions
feferoni after your own taste - I use around 8-10 depending on how hot they are.
1 packet of Santa Maria tacomix (or any other tacomix or self-combined spices you may use)
I used red and yellow peppers as a base together with the onion but in my opinion you can add most things you use in your basic tacos in your gratang or pie.
Cheese and a few feferoni for garnish.
Put your oven on 225°C.
Fry your mince and add the tacomix. Take off the heat when all is mixed together.
Chop your onion and peppers finely and put in a medium sized pie dish.
Cut off the tops of your feferonis and chop them roughly. Mix together with your creme fraiché.
Dice your tomatoes and add to the creme fraiché mixture.
Cover your onion and peppers with all of the mince.
Pour your creme fraiché mixture over the mince and make sure it's an even layer.
Finally cover everything with a tasty cheese and a few feferonis on top.
Put your dish in the oven for apprixmately 35 minutes .
Serve with a sallad, cucumber and red onion for perfection!
Homemade burgers and old mama Gretel's coleslaw
The coleslaw is the side dish I mentioned in the previous entry. I ate it with my hamburgers that I made too. I'll post the coleslaw recipe tomorrow. Maybe the burger one too?
Burgers deluxe
There will be another round of these soon; pictures from last summer.