West Indian dumplings // Västindiska dumplings
So, bread is nice. And despite being allergic to wheat and rhye I made my favourite bread to eat with my English breakfast. Mum has taught me to make West Indian fried dumplings and all your need is: milk, plain flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt. I can imagine them being a nice bread to eat with soup too.
Ingredients for 4 dumplings:
1 dl cold milk
2 dl plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
A pinch of salt
Oil to fry in.
How to:
Mix the dry ingredients together.
Add the milk and work into a dough.
Shape into 4 balls and then fry in oil on medium heat until brown all around.
Serve with baked beans and crispy bacon.
Ingredienser för 4 dumplings:
1 dl kall mjölk
2 dl vetemjöl
2 tsk bakpulver
En nypa salt
Rapsolja att steka i.
How to:
Blanda ihop de torra ingredienserna.
Rör ner mjölken och arbeta ihop till en deg.
Forma fyra bullar och stek sedan i olja på mellanhög värme tills bullarna är gyllenbruna runt om.
Servera med vita bönor och krispig bacon.
Postat av: Elena
Spännande! :)
Nastasja Thor