Bisto gravy beef burgers and mash

Hello you! Long time no see, huh? I know. It's been a problem with the Internet and it is not yet solved (Monday hopefully!). Luckily this hasn't stopped me from cooking and I have managed despite my miniture kitchen.
Gravy is something English and not common in the Swedish kitchen, but mark my words - you're missing out. It's not creamy like the sauce we have with our meatballs in Sweden, and it's not watery either. If you add a few teaspoons of Bisto gravy powder you get this 'laaaavly' gravy.
I mixed together beef mince, 1 small chopped onion, 1 egg, a few shakes of breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and formed burgers. I fried them in a little bit of oil and added a bit of hot water. I mixed a few teaspoons of Bisto in cold water and stirred it down into the pan and brought it to the boil. Add sliced onion to your sauce and let simmer.
Serve with mashed potatoes and any kind of vegetables!