Non-stop cookies
Hi there! So, as a pre-training thing I've made cookies. Smart move as I'm not dying to try them. I won't, but they look tasty and I've never made anything like them before. I found the recipe on Jenny's blog Cookies N Dreams. It's really simple. Ready for it?
1,5 dl plain flour
0,5 dl oats
1 dl muscovado sugar
1 egg
100g butter - room temperature!
1 pinch of salt
0,5 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp vanilla powder or extract
150g choclate - I used Non-stops but you can vary by using nuts, other chocolate or maybe something fruity?
How to:
Mix your butter with the muscovado sugar.
Add the egg whilst still whizzing your mixer.
Mix your dry ingredients together in a bowl first and then mix together with your buttery mixture.
Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix.
Add your chocolaty-whatever-you're-using and stir until..... mixed.
Put the mixture in clingfilm and shape into a long sausage and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Put your oven on 200°C.
Cut the cookie dough into 1cm slices and put them on the tray.
Make sure not to put them too close together as the will spread out.
Bake in the oven for 8 minutes.
Cool on a baking rack (or on a washing up stand as I don't own the first mentioned).
100 g rumsvarmt smör
1 dl muscovadosocker
1 ägg
1 1/2 dl mjöl
1/2 dl havre
1/2 tsk bakpulver
1/3 tsk vaniljpulver eller vaniljextrakt
1 krm salt
150 g choklad - Jag använde Non-stops men testa gärna med nötter, annan choklad eller kanske något fruktigt?
How to:
Vispa ihop det rumsvarma smöret och sockret.
Vispa sedan ner ägget.
Blanda ihop de torra ingredienserna och rör till en deg med smörblandningen.r
Rör även i din chokladblandning.
Rulla degen till en rulle och plasta in den, stoppa in i kylen 30 minuter.
Sätt på ugnen på 200°C.
Dela degen i ca 1 cm tjocka kakor och lägg dem på en plåt med bakplåtspapper,
De kommer att flyta ut på plåten så lägg dem inte för tätt.
Grädda i 200 grader i 8 min.
Lägg försiktigt upp kakorna på ett bakgaller för att svalna när de gräddats färdigt.
Postat av: Jenny
Inte nådigt goda dom ser ut då :)
Nastasja Thor
Postat av: Victoria
Nastasja Thor
Postat av: Krista
Haha I seriously thought they were Thai fish cakes. Wondered why you were cooling them on a rack!
Nastasja Thor